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XAV-V630BT car head unit rashing freezing and reset itself


XAV-V630BT car head unit rashing freezing and reset itself



I recently purchased a XAV-V630BT mechless head unit for my car.


I have had it installed for a just over a week. The unit is installed in a 2007 Ford Focus ST2 in place of the original Sony system and has a connects 2 adapter so I can use the original joysick controls.

I have a Sandisk Utlra fit memory card with music on and I also have a Sony Xperia Z5 premium phone connected via bluetooth.


I have had music playing via the bluetooth no problem. However when music is played back using USB if I have a WMA file type only 3 seconds will play and the unit freezes and eventually resets itself, if using just MP3 format then it will do the same thing sporadiclc for example last night I did a 40 minuete journey and it happened 4 times. One of the 4 times the unit reutrned a black screen with "device failed to rerspond" in the center.


When the unit the unit crashes I lose some of the custom settings but not all, most noticable is the time and custom steering controls.


The whole saga is very, very annoying and if the unit was doing what it is supposed to do without crashing every few minuets I would be happy with it.


To top this off the phone book will not transfer over to the unit, I can kind of live with this.....



Can you shed any light on this for me or shall I get it returned becasue it is not fit for purpose.

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Hi there


The first thing to try is resetting the unit itself.


XAV-V630BT - Resetting.jpg



Give that a go and see what happens.




Ok thanks,


I've perfomed the reset this morning. I'm not using the car much today but I will see how it goes tomorrow and post results.




OK so this lasted even less than I expected.


I drove for 5 mins this morning OK after reseting the unit, jumped into the car to come home after work and the unit came one started playing the music and before I left the carpark the music stopped playing the screen froze and the unit reset itself.

Again the time has gone back tio when I got in the car (2mins previous) and the steering wheel controls lost.

Bluetooth reconnects, the correct music track starts again but from the beginning not last played. The track can be played through completly so its not thats the issue, its just random.


This unit is absolutly useless its the main function and it cannot even perform this. Its an absolute shame because I love my Sony stuff and it would be a lovely device if it could actually do as it was intended.


Very very disappointed.


What next?

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Hi there


Unfortunately I do not know how to assist you further - I have two suggestions

  1. I can escalate this thread to Sony Support for them to investigate and contact you back
  2. It may be that you have a faulty unit, which would need to go back to the retailer you purchase it from and exchange it.  Obviously its more difficult as its inside a car.


Please let me know how you wish to proceed.




Which ever is best.

It cant stay as it is, no point having a USB player that won't play usb's

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Hi there


I have escalated this thread to Sony Support for them to investigate and help you.  They should be incontact with you in the next day or two. 


Please let me know how you get on.




Ok thank you.




Just to update on this. I tried a usb drive from a friend and that seemed to work OK so I bought myself a Sandisk Ultra fit 32GB drive and tried this instead and everything is now working OK. I assume 64GB is to big for the system? and would suggest if anyone else is reading this not to go with anything above 32GB.



Hello. I had the same problem with the same device. I put a 32GB pendrive with several songs. The device stopped responding and resetting frequently. After using it for weeks, I realized that this was happening with specific songs. I looked for information in several places and here it seemed the best and most similar to my case. I tried to reset the device, exchange music tags (avoiding special characters), etc. This worked in some cases, but the problem returned. I also tried to format the disk in different formats and limit the number of files, without success. The problem was solved when I found a pendrive 64GB (class 10) in my car, lol  (bigger than I was using). To my surprise, the problem is over. So, the problem was in the pendrive used. Pendrive size or number of songs is no problem.