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RE: Sony Walkman 'NW-A35'

RE: Sony Walkman 'NW-A35'

Hi folks,


I have just joined this forum and so this is my very first post.


I recently purchased a Sony Walkman 'NW-A35' model.


I am having some issues and also have some questions regarding 'Media Go' s/w.


I trust this is the correct forum section to be posting such topics?


Many thanks,


[Edited by moderator to remove full name]

Keyboards / Composer / Arranger
Not applicable

Hi there


I am not sure why Sony are getting you to reformat the device if the volume issue is the EU volume cap?


ID3 Tags is simply the metadata within the MP3 container.  More info HERE.


Any reason to use Media Go?  No.  Its personal choice on how you organise your media collection.


In regards to the volume issue - I and like many others put up with it.  One has to.  I also have a pair of swimming headphones - I would like the volume louder, but such is life.  Maybe this can be 're-visited' by the industry once Brexit is all over and done with.


Let me know how it goes with Sony anyhow.



Thanks Quinnicus,


Thanks for the LINK on 'tagging'.  I am now using 'dB Power Amp' exclusively, and can highly recommend it.


The reason I had to update the firmware, reformat and reset the device was so that Technical Support could feel sure everything has been tried at my end (to resolve the issue).  Hence, it's now been escalated to a higher level. They have said that if I send the unit back, they may be able to removed to 'volume-capping' - but I am not sure how and if this is legal (under the stupid 'EU')?


I was wondering if 'Media Go' was something like cloud-storage?  But I don't think it offers such a facility; and as you say, it is more relating to organizing one's files.


I am a hard-Bexiter and a UKIPPER!





Keyboards / Composer / Arranger
Not applicable

No, I dont see anything about cloud storage in Media Go.  You can organise your files from across multiple folders/network drives etc - but not cloud. 


I wouldnt know the legalities on Sony removing the EU volume cap.  I honestly dont see them doing this, as this opens them up to all sorts of responsibility issues and potential lawsuits.  If they did and you damaged your ears, I guess you could potentially sue them for such....


Im Brexit too.  Not Ukip though - Labour.  :tongue_winking:

Hi Quinnicus,


Thanks for clearing up 'Media Go'.


I have just spoken to Amazon who have agreed that I can send the device back to Sony.  If Sony can not adjust it, then they will send it back to me and - if I so choose - I can then send it back to Amazon for a refund.  Otherwise, I will just have to live with the problem, as you say.



Keyboards / Composer / Arranger

Hi again,


Sony booked me in for a calback (for yesterday) but have emailed me stating that they need more time to look into the matter.  


Therefore, they have delayed the comms until middle of next week ...



Keyboards / Composer / Arranger
Not applicable

Thanks for the update - im curious to know what Sony say.  Although I fear its going to be the stock answer - EU cap....

Hi Quinnicus,


I would have thought that the higher level of Sony Tech. Support would have wanted to speak to me asap?; to glean as much first-hand information as they possibly can.


I assume you have Moderator status because you edited out my name from one of my posts last week. In which case, it you don't mind please: would you be able to set my account so that I do not receive constant email notifications regarding how I have earned a new point/badge/stauts every time I make a new post?  I did try turnung off such messages but then I no longer received bullitens each time you (or anyone else) repsonds to this thread!


Much appreciated,



Keyboards / Composer / Arranger
Not applicable

Hi there


Yes, I do have some moderator priviledges, however I cannot access anyones forum account.  What you need to do, is:

  1. Go into your Settings for your forum account
  2. Go to Subscriptions and notifications
  3. Select Notifications
  4. Set the noticiations how you like for the various options.  (i.e. For my forum subscriptions, notify me for = All Posts.  New replies posted to content I subscribe to = immediately.  Badges I earn = Never)



PS, Trying to figure out the logic of Sony Tech Support can take a lifetime :rofl:


Hi ,


That's great; have made those changes now.





Keyboards / Composer / Arranger



Sony called me on Friday, finally, and have said that the device needs to be returned to their repair center.  I have had it for about 6 x weeks now and not really been able to use it! Quite disappointing I have to say.


On another point, please, would anyone know if it makes any diference whatsoever if you have folders-within-folders on the 'A-35'?  I mean, on my HD which holds my music files, I have (say):


'Jazz' / 'Miles Davis' / 'Kind Of Blue', 'Milestones', 'Miles Smiles' ...


Jazz being the GENRE folder, Miles Davis being the ARTIST, and three remaining folders all being the ALBUMS. Other JAZZ artists would also be stored in the same folder.


Then, similarly, I would have a Classical folder:


'Classical' / 'Beethoven' / 'Symphony 1st', 'Symphony 2nd',  'Symphony 3rd' ...


Classical being the GENRE folder, BEETHOVEN being the ARTIST, and three remaining folders all being the ALBUMS.  Other CLASSICAL artists would also be stored in the same folder.


OR - would you lose the GENRE folders for the sake of reducing the amount of sub-folders/structure, please?  I mean, does it make any differece if you drag&drop (bypassing 'Media Go') straight from you PC HD to the Sony Walkman, maintaining the exact same folder-structure?  In other words, can the folder-structure on the Sony be exactly the SAME as on your PC HD?  Or would the Walkman consider this too complex?


Many thanks,



Keyboards / Composer / Arranger