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RE: Sony Walkman 'NW-A35'

RE: Sony Walkman 'NW-A35'

Hi folks,


I have just joined this forum and so this is my very first post.


I recently purchased a Sony Walkman 'NW-A35' model.


I am having some issues and also have some questions regarding 'Media Go' s/w.


I trust this is the correct forum section to be posting such topics?


Many thanks,


[Edited by moderator to remove full name]

Keyboards / Composer / Arranger



Not sure if anyone is acutally still interested in this thread?!


The Sony has arrived back to me today.


The engineers note says that a “mechanical realignment” has been applied (whatever that is?), and that the service required a “non-inventory part”.


So I plugged it in and unless the volume is over ‘100’, it’s still not loud enough?  Does not seem to be the slightest bit changed to how it was before I sent it off?



Keyboards / Composer / Arranger

May I join in? I too had a NW-35 for Christmas after doing a fair bit of research, and I wanted one that would take a micro-SDcard. I had a 2 previous walkmans but wanted the extra storage as I had been saving in WMA format but also wanted to increase to higher definition MP3. I had got used to every player on my phone allowing me to place a track that was playing into a playlist. Indeed, a pop-up menu on the Walkman says "add to playlist". Sadly, if Ihaven't yet created one it just tells me that I need to use compliant software on my PC to create them. I used Media Go and also tried Media Monkey and both created a playlist which I was able to transfer to the Walkman. So when the pop-up menu showed now existing playlists to add to I thought the problem was solved - but NO! - I was told the playlists were not editable. This is crazy and infuriating, and totally against what is explained at (a help page for my model!).

I have raised this with Sony Support but feel totally let down and might suggest a return and refund if I don't get a satisfactory answer.

By the way I don't have a problem with volume and find 65 is loud enough at most. I have a pair of Sony headphones and 50 is OK for these, but some older Sony Sony earphones that came with with an older walkman are a bit less sensitive. My device came with AVLS switched off and I left it that way because Android sometimes annoyingly starts warning me in the middle of a piece of music. I do have volume levelling switched on but I don't think this made a lot of difference. BTW I also rip with dbpoweramp - a brilliant program. And I found that Media Go places files in folders quite different to the way I order them on my PC, so I transfer using windows explorer and by-pass Media Go for that. 

Hope someone can cast some light on the playlist problem.



I gave up on Sony last year. Three times I sent my item for repair and in the end I gave up.


Sony would not offer me a brand new like for like replacement, nor a refund. They told me I had to seek a refund from Amazon. I explained that Amazon was now selling the Sony at a reduced price, and that they would not give me a refund for the original price! (ie. I would lose 40GBP!). Sony offered no help whatsover and so I am totally finished with them forever.



Keyboards / Composer / Arranger

Re Volume issue on the A35.

Have downloaded 1.20 US Firmware. Is there any problem with me installing it on my UK player?

If anyone can throw some light on this that would be great.

what kind of volume issue do you have?

US firmware installation shoudln't work if you have a euro version

I now understand that the low volume (EU directive) is not a firmware issue.

It seems that a rockbox 'hack' will fix it for me.



I was advised against installing a foriegn (1.20 US Firmware) FM on the device. I was going to install the Japanese one. So basically, don't do it!




Keyboards / Composer / Arranger