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RE: Sony Walkman 'NW-A35'

RE: Sony Walkman 'NW-A35'

Hi folks,


I have just joined this forum and so this is my very first post.


I recently purchased a Sony Walkman 'NW-A35' model.


I am having some issues and also have some questions regarding 'Media Go' s/w.


I trust this is the correct forum section to be posting such topics?


Many thanks,


[Edited by moderator to remove full name]

Keyboards / Composer / Arranger
Not applicable

Hi there


You certainly are in the right place.  Please by all means fire away with your questions and im sure one of us might be able to help you.



Thanks Qinnicus,


Well, firstly, please, is the 'NW-A35' limited as to which 'Tags' it can provide?


It seems, to me, that the list is limited to the following 'Meta-Data' (as appears directly on the Walkman display): the following information is offered:


  • Title (eg. 'Yesterday')

    Artist (eg. 'The Beatles')

    Album Artist (eg. 'The Beatles')

    Album (eg. 'Beatles Classics')

    Genre ('Pop')

    Release Year ('1967')

    Composer ('McCartney')

    Length (ie. duration)

    Tone Analysis (ie. mood)

    Storage Location (ie. system storage)

    File Name (eg. '01 McCartney - Yesterday.flac')

    Codec (eg. FLAC)

    Bit Depth (eg. 16 bit)

    Bit Rate (eg. 828 kbps VBR)

    Sample Rate (eg. 44.1)

    Lyrics Data (words)
I have tried to included: 'Producer' and 'Label', but to no avail?! (please see screenshot for 'tagging properties' made within 'dB Power Amp' CD writing software):
Many thanks for you assistance,
'dB Power Amp' tagging software
Keyboards / Composer / Arranger

Hello again,


I also wanted to ask, please, if it is advisable to drag&drop music files straight from a PC to the Sony 'NW-A35'? In other words, bypassing 'Media Go?


I added a 'Producer' and 'Label' tag here, but this is still not at all reflected on the Walkman display (please see screenshot of 'Media Go').


Many thanks,





'Media Go'

Keyboards / Composer / Arranger
Not applicable

Hi there


I'll answer tomorrow as im tired now.  I have the NWZ-A15 and use Windows Explorer - rarely use Media Go.



Ok, thanks Quinnicus,


I will post another separate question below.


Thanks a lot,



Keyboards / Composer / Arranger



Here is a copy of a recent email I sent to Sony after purchasing my new Walkman last month:


Dear Sir/Madam,

I purchased a NW-A35 Walkman from Amazon recently. I made very thorough investigations regarding the functionality of the device (before purchasing) because it is obviously very expensive, and I was upgrading from my NWZ-S545 Walkman - which I had owned for 10 years. Basically, I was very happy with my old model as I only need/use very basic features (I mostly used it for running outdoors and at the gym). But my original model has become old and worn now. 

However, when my new NW-A35 arrived and after transferring some audio files across, I discovered that I simply can not hear the music! Even with the volume set at a level of '100'! Yet my previous model could easily output music loudly with the volume set at only '50'! I thoroughly tested many different albums in different formats (FLAC, MP3, WMA) and the results were exactly the same. This took some considerable time as you can appreciate - because I had to be certain that my reasoning was indeed accurate; and it was. So, now I have a very expensive Walkman of which I can't use because it's nowhere near loud enough! 

Do you have a replacement NW-A35 model, please, which outputs at a listenable volume? I am assuming mine has some kind of manufactures fault, or similar? 

Thank you very much indeed, 

[Full name removed]


Now, you may or may not know, but there is a ridiculous 'EU' law in place of which stipulates that a music listening device (inc. mobile phones) must not exceed a certain 'dB' level. It may be '80dB'? - I can't remember. Hence all such devices are now capped!

BUT, apparently, if you purchase the same Walkman from either the U.S. or Asia, then such models do not have this (volume) restriction onboard. Sony are currently looking to see if it is possible for them to wangle me an overseas model. According to the representative I spoke to, Sony have been plagued by similar complaints from recent owners!


Keyboards / Composer / Arranger
Not applicable

Hi there


Question 1 - Tags:

In regards to your first question about tags, it does appear that it is limited.  I have been searching for what type of ID3 tags are supported and the only thing I can find is in the specifications: HERE. Therefore things like Label or Producer is not supported.


Music Searching Methods
All songs, Album, Artist, Genre, Release year, Composer, Playlists, Hi-Res, Recent transfers, Folder, SensMe Channels


Using the Media Go software, you can automatically get this metadata from the use of 'Gracenote' Music ID.  See HERE for more info.


Question 2 - Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop is fully supported, its actually listed as YES in the specifications.  As mentioned yesterday, I use it for my walkman and have never encountered any side effects.  I personally prefer it.


Question 3 - Volume

Unfortunately, I am familiar with the EU law in regards to limiting the volume on personal audio devices.  Sucks I know.  One thing to note is to ensure that AVLS is off.  See HERE


However there are 'ways' to remove this EU limitation.  See the following sites:


Googling should provide you more links.


Please note: I have not tried this myself, so I dont know.  Also this forum or myself is not responsible if you choose to 'research' alternative ways in regards to removing this EU limitation cap :slight_smile:




PS: I am going to edit your previous post to remove your full name from these forums.

Hi Quiniccus,


Thanks very much indeed for taking the time and effort to assist in this matter.


Sony emailed me to advise me to REFORMAT the device; which I did - but to no avail.  The 'volume' issue remains a stick in the mud.  I booked two telephone call back with them and they have honored neither!


I appreciate the confirmation regarding drag&dropping.  I tried this (ie. bypassing 'Media Go') and it worked in the same way as my old/original Sony 'NW' Walkman did.  However, this gives rise to a couple of other questions, if you will: would there be - or what is the purpose (other than 'tagging' or collecting 'meta-data') - any reason to actually use 'Media Go', please?  As stated earlier, I use an excellent s/w I recently discovered called: 'dB Power Amp' (they have a free-trial if you were to sample it!).  And therefore I did not particularly want to have to run my music thru a second s/w.  Secondly, is 'Media Go' like a cloud/online-storage? Does it actually STORE you music collection like (say) 'Google Drive'?


What does 'ID3' tag mean, please?  Is it something which is manufacturer specific?


I am really not sure what to do about the 'volume' issue?  I mean, if I was to seek a refund, then is the same restriction cross-manufacturer?   If so, there would be little point switching if I was to experience the same problem right across the board! Do you grin and bare the problem yourself?, or are you seeking to solve it also?


Many thanks,



Keyboards / Composer / Arranger

Hi again,


Sony Technical Support are calling me tomorrow as they have escalated my situation now.



Keyboards / Composer / Arranger