
WiFi issues

Our phones keep looking WiFi connection. They still show the WiFi symbol along with the little arrows but won't connect. Switching WiFi on and off tells me our home router is saved but it won't reconnect the only way to reconnect is to restart the phone which then automatically connects to our WiFi at least for an hour or so. I've tried resetting to repair my phone, I've checked our router but stillborn joy any other help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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i also have this problem and i just bout my phone it realle.


As Alex said the only solution seems to be to restart the phone. This is not really a solution and looking around the forums suggests that there is a software problem. So until sony accept this the only solution is to restart the phone, thankfully as Akex saud it has a quick reboot.

and I found a better solution to the problem of WIFI disconnection

you have to enter advanced configuration WI-FI (the three dots, advanced), and then uncheck the box that says Search always available (Allow location service google and other applications seeking network while Wi-Fi is disabled) with this part of the problem is solved, now if disconnected not need to restart all phone so you can connect again simply turn off the Wi-Fi and on again to reset the connection


Anyone else STILL having issues with their Sony Xperia E4 (or any other model for that matter)  I bought this model in Feb, I just wanted a phone with a decent size screen to save 'powering up' my tablet or laptop to check things regularly.  Purchased from Tesco's on pay as you go and got it up and running in no time. However, I soon found that the wifi kept 'dropping out' from my home network, which wouldn't be too bad but when it did this, it didn't connect to mobile network!!  I also found that when going out and returning home, it wouldn't connect automatically to my wifi, it would still be using my mobile network - this resulted in me using my credit (PAYGO) until I actually noticed it.

 After many calls to both Sony and Tesco, (who thought that maybe I hadn't downloaded the internet settings!)  Sony told me to return it to Tesco.  I did this and received it back after about a week saying it had been fixed (although a phone call later told me they didn't know what was wrong with it)  For about a day, it was ok, then the same problems started.  Tesco eventually said they would replace it.  This was in June, I still have problems with it now!!   I have found that going to quick settings and putting it in flight mode then turning it off again, solves the problem but it's gone from happening around twice a day to basically everytime I go to look at the bloomin' thing!!

 Sony say they haven't heard of the problem before and want me to send it back to them - which they now say I should have done in the first place, despite me being told BY Sony that I should return it to Tescos!.  No one else in the house has a problem with their phone/tablet/laptop etc, so its not a problem with our internet - I did read somewhere that it might be a compatibility issue between my phone and router, anyone else heard this?   When I was chatting to a sony rep online, he basically told me that, yes it could be that and I should consider buying a new phone or a new router!!! No help whatsover.   Any new suggestions (other than ditching the Sony phone)

 Sorry if I've had a 'rant' but to be honest I'm now thinking that Tesco had a 'dodgy' batch of phones from Sony (I read on here about someone else having a problem and should he just return the phone(s) to Tesco) and no one is taking responsibility!


Ok, some of you may know, I'm still having issues with my wifi dropping out on my Sony xperia E4 - Although its frustrating, I refuse to send it back to Sony as they've basically said if they can't find anything wrong with it, they'll either dispose of it or charge me over £20 to return it to me - the phone only cost £60 odd.  Anyway, at the moment, I'm just turning on airplane mode and quickly switching it off and it restores the connection. Not a great solution but....   HOWEVER, I wake up this morning to find I have no mobile signal!   Ok, just a glitch I think, go to settings click on wireless and networks and check the 'mobile network'  - I can't, as the words 'mobile networks' aren't highlighted!   I've contacted my provider, they've checked, there's nothing wrong with the coverage, it was working fine last night and this morning I have no 'bars' and a nice red cross where the network should be.  If I was losing patience before, I'm at the end of my blinking tether now!!   Gut feeling would be that its the sim card, but it works in another phone,  any suggestions (other than never buy a Sony phone ever again!!?)


I've been having the same issue (wifi and mobile) and the only way to make it function again was to restore the phone to default settings, I know thats a shame, until now, I still have the same problem with wifi (after been restored :/) and keeps losing connection until I turn on the flight mode and quickly turn off to reconect, but is annoying to do this over an over again and awfully there is no solution, so maybe Im gonna switch to Samsung. JFYI I live in El Salvador, Central América so, If someone that lives in the UK has the same issue; then the problem my dear friend is not your router, nor a "incompatibility" between your router and the phone (hahah they give the same explanation in spanish) nor a static ip or router setting issue because I know what Im doing, the problem is the phone, period. Im gonna recommend to my relatives and friends NOT TO BUY a Sony phone, ever.

Re: This wifi dropping out issue, I am wondering whether  Official Sony Xperia Support Staff actually read this forum?  I'm still having issues every time I look at my phone indoors, having to switch it to flight mode and back again.  I've previously said that a couple of weeks back, my network dropped out, woke up one morning with a red x where the mobile network should be.  Nothing wrong with my sim card OR my network provider as my husbands phone worked fine (on the same network) The area 'mobile networks' under wireless and networks was 'greyed' out, so I couldn't click on it.  I ended up having to reset back to factory settings.  

Whilst out on Friday morning, I go to call my daughter, only to find the red x has appeared again!!  No data, no network, nothing, again, 'Mobile networks' was greyed out, so yet again, the only thing I could do was to reset my phone again. (while sitting in the car park at B&Q!  

I contacted Sony who asked me to save everything, and use Sony Companion to repair software (I HAVE done this before but thought I'd give it another go)  Hasn't made a blind bit of difference - WHEN WILL SONY LISTEN TO US???  There is obviously a fault with these phones, maybe a dodgy batch as I read that a number of people had bought theirs from Tesco too?  I am now waiting further communication from Sony as to what happens next - at this rate, my guarantee will expire before anything is done!


Hi again

As you know (and are no doubt sick of hearing!) I've had problems with my phone losing my WiFi signal (and in recent weeks losing mobile too) anyhow, 10 days ago I finally returned it to Sony for 'repair' together with a long explanation as to what was wrong -last Thursday I received it back, locked to the incorrect network!!! Not a happy bunny, but eventually sorted that out. Hooray, my phone seems to be staying connected!!! It does seem a little slow at times but so far I've resisted the temptation to switch to flight mode and it eventually kicks in!!  what is rather annoying tho is that no explanation was given by Sony as to what was wrong /what they did to 'repair' it, still, suppose that would be asking too much? Happy for now and hopefully I shall have no further dealing with Sony support..watch this space... 


Hey everyone, it's been 4 whole weeks at least and my phone hasn't dropped out from my home Internet!!!

I would urge everyone who has this problem to send their phone back to Sony with a covering letter detailing exactly what happens. Although they never did tell me what was wrong with the blasted phone, at least it seems to be working fine now, so obviously there is a faulty batch of these phones all around the world!!