Battery care


Battery care

How long does it take for the 'battery care' feature to start kicking in? I have only had my XZ for just under a week, so is it a little too early?

Im not sure I get what you mean.

Battery Care only detects regular long charges, yes, since battery care now knows your regular charging habits it will charge 0-90% normally and then proceeds to slowly charge 90- 100%.

I think you are thinking more of the Qnovo tech that is also available to the Xperia devices..

here's a video explaining about these tech..


Thanks for the explanation and the link.. But it does not exactly answers the question how long can the qnouvo adapt to the erratic recharging pattern( and still able to prolong the battery lifespan) that is often the staple of people that move a lot.

The qnovo doesn't need to be activated, it is built in the software and is always on. it is constantly monitoring the battery,

even you don't use battery care, ( I don't, owing to different times I charge the phone) the battery is still protected by Qnovo. Battery care can be deactivated and it isn't even availble in the US version of xZ,


So we really need to observe the battery behavior and how the qnouvo manage it so we can make a fair judgment of its performance.. In passing I am not really happy with the xz battery performance. Even at stamina mode I can only manage 10 hours of use fully charge Xperia-XZ.
That is why I am keen to know how far can qnouvo protect the battery, as well as does it have an impact on the duration of the full charge than without it like the previous models of Xperias.

you can not really "observe" the effects of Qnovo and Battery Care on the short term, these are battery techs that protects the battery on the long term (months or years),

these tech influences that battery life span not the battery life per charge.

I agree I have an Xperia Z5 compact and I could stretch 1 full charge up to 2 days and a half with moderate use.

with XZ 1 day only, that is why Sony is wise not to advertise the XZ having 2 day battery life , but most people already associate sony flagship with long battery life. but sadly this time it is not.


Precisely. How many hours can you squeeze from your XZ..? Because 1 day can be interpreted in two ways.. Dawn to dusk or it can be 24,hours..
I also observed my xz.. Even if I shut down the WiFi its in stamina mode,
,, reduce the brightness to near zero, I for example I leave it at 70%battery juice level. For the 8-10 hours it's final battery juice is just at 40-45.meaning while Idle its still consuming considerable battery juice.
From your experience is your XZ behaving similarly..?

Mine loses 5-8% overnight whilst in airplane mode. The standby drain is lousy.

Hmm.. I did not try that..airplane mode.. You give me an idea to try.. . Thanks..

Let say 7am 100% up to 12mn 15%

No mobile data
WiFi maybe for 8 hours. (browsing, YouTube, updates etc)
Minimal gaming
Lots of ebook reading (screen constantly on)

In my opinion if you are able to reach your house still with battery life after work, then that is good.

On the other hand if you drain your battery midday, it's either your are a heavy user or you have abnormal battery drain.

Well mine as I move around,constantly mobile data the whole day.. Alternating betweenWCDMA and. LTE.checking mails and other communication s. With such kind of use battery life does not exceed 10 hours. Is that considered normal battery juice depletion for my case..?