Vaio duo 13 vodafone sim


Vaio duo 13 vodafone sim

Hi all,


I have a vaio duo 13 bought from the UK and came with a SIM slot and a vodafone SIM. At the moment, the SIM is not activated, and I have tried with other tablet SIMs (3, o2) which all seem to be working, suggesting that the SIM slot is currently unlocked.


My concern is when I proceed with activating the vodafone SIM. When the page loads, the small disclaimer at the bottom states that "once you activate the SIM, you won't be able to change your registered network". To me, that sounds like once the SIM is activated, I won't be able to use another SIM from another provider. As such, up till now I haven't activated the SIM.


Has anyone activated the vodafone SIM and found that they can still use other SIMs? I'm planning to go to China shortly and want to also preload the data traveler package on the SIM (if I do get it activated), will activating it also mean that I won't be able to piggyback other local networks abroad?






I've just spoken to a Vodafone advisor who has said that once the Vodafone SIM has been activated on the duo 13, the device can only use that registered SIM (implying that once the SIM is activated, the device is locked to Vodafone...forever!).


If someone could verify this that would be great. In the meantime, I'll make sure to not activate the SIM!


From what I've gathered on the internet, people who have locked devices have not been able to unlock them, and Sony doesn't provide any support regarding the mobile broadband, so if you wish to use another SIM in your duo 13, please don't activate the SIM.

Hi jamesme112, thanks for the update!

I'm afraid I can't verify anything for you, but from what you have said it does seem your device will be locked.

Thanks for the warning :wink: