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Sony Xperia Z Tablet - Black screen on TV when using MHL adaptor


Sony Xperia Z Tablet - Black screen on TV when using MHL adaptor

Hi, I have now bought 3 different MHL cables 2 from ebay and 1 from Amazon. All stated they worked with the Sony Xperia Z tablet. But when ive tried it all i get is a black screen. Ive tried on 3 tvs using different HDMI cables but with all 3 adaptors i only get a black screen.

Has anyone else experianced this who could tell me where im going wrong

Many Thanks in advance



Утвержденные решения

Just to update all. This issue was down to the Tablet not the MHL Adapter.

I spoke to the Xperia care team who advised that i do a repair / rebuild with the sony pc companion. After i had done this i tried the MHL adapter again and hey presto it appeared on my TV Screen.

Big thanks to the xpera care team and also to Rikard for all there help.


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Some MHL-adapters needs power to work. See if your adapters have any power connection and try connecting them to a power source.

If you for example use our MHL-adapter (http://www.sonymobile.com/global-en/products/accessories/mhl-to-hdmi-adapter-im750/) there's a microUSB on it where you connect the phones charger.


Hi Rickard,

Thanks for your reply. Ive plugged the charger i got with my tablet into the usb port on the all MHL adapters ive tried but i still only get a black screen.

When the charger is not plugged in i get a No Signal message on my screen and when i plug it in all i get is a black screen


Are your adapters 5-pin or 11-pin? For Tablet Z you need a 5-pin adapter.


All the adapters that i have purchased have been 5 pin adaptors and have had Sony Xperia Z as a compatable device in the listing. Is there a difference with the Xperia Z phone and Xperia Z tablet?


No, Xperia Z and Tablet Z use the same MHL-connector.

Could you try your adapters with another Xperia device (that supports MHL) or try your tablet with our adapter to see where the problem is? A service location should also be able to assist you with testing your tablet and see if MHL is working as it should.


I dont currently have access to another xperia product but i will see if can find someone with one that could test the adapters. The service centre option might be best for me. How do i find my local one. I currently live in Manchester in the UK


I don't have any list of service centers in the UK unfortunately but you can contact your local Sony Xperia support for this information: http://www.sonymobile.com/global-en/support/contact-us/country/en_GB/

What you also can try if you haven't done that is to update/repair the software in your tablet. You can do that using PC Companion: http://www.sonymobile.com/global-en/tools/pc-companion/


Just to update all. This issue was down to the Tablet not the MHL Adapter.

I spoke to the Xperia care team who advised that i do a repair / rebuild with the sony pc companion. After i had done this i tried the MHL adapter again and hey presto it appeared on my TV Screen.

Big thanks to the xpera care team and also to Rikard for all there help.



Hello, I'm having the same troubles as you were, how do you do the restore/rebuild? Thanks