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I got a strange problem by trying to update my SGP311 (WIFI 16GB) to the latest stock software.
It happens with my Windows 7 32bit Netbook and my Windows 7 64bit PC. The update progress with PC Compangnion is working fine until the point when PC Compangnion is downloading the new software. When there is only 2 seconds left the download is stopping and after a while there is a message that the software couldnt be downloaded. I tried it first a week ago and I thought it would be a temporary problem but now the problem seems to be persistant.
Internet connection is working well when the problem occurs. I can use the browser without problems, no signs for DNS or Ping problems.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
With posting here in this forum the problem was solved. I didn't do anything different, so I don't know the problem...
Anyway 4.4.4 is on my device