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Sony WH-1000 MX3 Build Quality

Hopefully this is the right forum. 

Over the last 12 months, I have bought 2 Sony WH-1000 MX3s, and both had the same problem (I returned 1 to get a refund).  The problem being the headband, more specifically the band that connects the speakers (I can't think of a better word), to the headband.  They keep snapping off.  The speakers themselves are fine, but the plastic that goes up and down keeps breaking off.  Usually, it's the right side that breaks first, then, the left, and now on the right side, it's broken even more with the speaker now dangling by the cable. 


I've included a link to photos of the headphone.  Am I just using the headphones wrong?  I can't believe that both have broken in the same place, in a similar time. 

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