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Very disappointed with Sony's customer service

With SONY Customer Service I am very disappointed how they communicate and how they treat their customers. I will rethink twice before buying from Sony again. I've had the worst experience with Sony. I was dealing with Apple and Toshiba customer service and their services were quick and precise, what I cannot say about sony...

Recently I bought S class SONY laptop. (That time it was almost most expensive S class laptop which cost around 1400 Euros). After few weeks of using the camera stopped working and I had to send laptop for repair.

The issue started after laptop returned from repair. They replaced motherboard, camera and camera cables. After that camera was working fine, but after few days the glue that holds plastics on the screen sides got loose. There became a big gap on every side of the screen, it was very uncomfortable to use.

So I had to call the customer support again. They asked me to send laptop again to service. So I sent them a laptop  for inspection. After couple of days they called that laptop will be glued and returned. I said I want brand new device or money back. They agreed that they will give me my money back and asked for receipt and bank account where money will be sent. So I sent them all information. On the next day I received a call from support. The man calling was very arrogant and rude and told me they will not return me any money, They will just glue the laptop and send it back. That's it. NO MONEY BACK with very rude voice. I said I do not want this laptop back. I requested for replacement or money back or I will call trade inspection. My request was REJECTED and they will just send repaired laptop back..

When laptop returned after couple of days the glue got loose again and there was a big gap on every side of the screen. I called customer support again and asked that I want money back otherwise I will call Trade Inspection. They said they need laptop for inspection. So I sent them laptop for 3rd time. They agreed that they will return me my money, but I have to send them receipt. Come on? I already sent them receipt so why I have to send it one more time?! They replied that it got lost... So I sent them receipt again and that they will return me money after inspection. After couple of days they called again. Again person was very rude and arrogant and he said they will just glue it again and send it back. NO MONEY BACK with very rude voice.

I said I do not accept. I want my money back or I will call Trade Inspection. The guy said they need to consult it and put me on hold. After couple of seconds’ man replied that they need to send laptop again for inspection. The day I was calling was Friday and person said they will call me on Monday and will let me know about the result. On Monday nobody called me so I called them on Tuesday. The man replied that the laptop is still under inspection and they do not have result and do not know when the result will be..

Today it is Wednesday and I have no laptop and no money... Mentioning that I am doing business and have no PC and losing customers and profits.. Also I did not receive any replacement laptop for the time it is in service...

I own lot of Sony products (TV, audio, playstation…) and all the time I was buying SONY products everybody was smiling and were very friendly what I CANNOT say about SONY Customer Service.

This is very disappointing and I will rethink twice before buying from Sony again!

Message was edited by: pajdaman

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