
Xperia X freezing when fully charged


Bought my Xperia X at the end of August this year. Brand new phone. It was fine for a few weeks but now has a habit of freezing when the phone completes its charge cycle. The led is always green and when I perform a soft reset the phone is at 100% charge. Doesn’t freeze during the day, only when plugged in using the original power adapter and lead.

I did delete some apps and games I wasn’t using and this did seem to settle things for a few days but it started again. I can’t charge it overnight anymore as my alarm won’t sound if I do as it freezes.

Has anyone else had this happen? I have not done a full reset yet as was hoping to avoid this if possible. I did use the Bluetooth transfer suggestion when I changed to this phone, had a Samsung S7 Edge before and did find a couple of Samsung apps on my phone bizarrely, which I have deleted.

Any advice appreciated.


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