
Android™ 8.0 Oreo™ automatic update temporarily suspended – 13th February 2019

Sony TV OLED KD 55AF8 -2018


First I received an email from Sony UK in February 2019 saying there would soon be an automatic Android upgrade to 8.0 Oreo, Then I received another notification saying that the Android™ 8.0 Oreo™ automatic update would be temporarily suspended due to an identified bug in the software. It also added that I could update the software manually using a USB memory stick if I would prefer not to wait as long as I was not connected to a sound bar or surround sound system as that is where the problem was, which I  am not. So following the listed instructions diligently I downloaded the Sony update Zip file opened it and moved on to a blank USB memory stick. Then as per instructions plugged it directly into a USB port at the back of the TV and the tv found the file straight away and started to download the file then began updating the software, but then that's when the problem occurred, it never completed to update all the way but stopping halfway across the progress bar. The tv would go through the motions of a full update and then when the TV signal came back on the whole thing would start again repeatedly going through the process again and again, but never fully completing the process. After three attempts I stopped the update by switching off the TV in the brief minute the tv signel was back on by removing the memory stick. Then on checking the TV software version in Help, it showed the old original version was still installed so no update had taken place.


First, can I ask has anybody else had this situation occur with using the manual download?

Second, can I ask does anybody know when Sony intend to resume the automatic upgrade to the new Andriod?


Thanks for reading this long question and I am hoping that there is an answer on what to do next!

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