
BDP-S1700 wired internet fail

Please can you help?

Every few weeks this thing drops its wired internet connection for no apparent reason after working fine previously. It tells me a network connection cannot be made and, after running an "auto" setup I get.

Physical Connection : OK

Internet Connection: Failed

I generally try to sneak out of workto ring Sony who tell me it's a known problem, talk me through some manual settings and like magic it works again for a couple more weeks. Problem is I'm so busy putting the settings in I never think to write them down. They can't be router-specific settings as they never ask for details of my router.

The whole thing is now getting very old and I'd love to return this peice of cr@p but I've had it since May 😞 It always happens at weekends when support are closed which doesn't help.

I don't suppose anyone out there knows the magic settings that Sony gives me do you?

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