
HT-CT390 suddenly stopped working properly

Hi all,


Bought an HT-CT390 on Friday to go with my 55XD9305.  Connected up via HDM4 (ARC) and all was working fine.  Left it at default settings and it turned on when the TV was turned on and into standby when the TV was turned off.  Perfect.


Last night it started acting up all of a sudden.  When I turn the TV on now, only sometimes does the soundbar come on too.  Similarly, when I turn the TV off, most of the time it doesn't put the soundbar into standby either.


Even more annoying is that sometimes the TV is failing to communicate with the soundbar at all.  This seems to happen when the soundbar doesn't come on with the TV and I have to turn it on separately but has also happened when I've pre-emptively turned the soundbar on before the TV.  I end up with both switched on and connected but no sound at all.  The TV says the selected speakers are "audio system" but nothing comes out of the soundbar.  If I leave it like this then, after a short while, it'll usually switch back to the TV's speakers and put a message up about a communication failure.  When this happens the ONLY resolution is to completely restart the TV, either via the menu option or by cycling the power.  There is no other way I can find of getting the soundbar to work again.


What on earth is going on?  Why are these two pieces of Sony equipment suddenly unable to talk to each other reliably all of a sudden?  I've always purchased Sony equipment and specifically bought a Sony soundbar for compatibility reasons.


For the record, all the soundbar settings are at their defaults but I also tried putting the HDMI control from AUTO to ON to no avail.  I've looked but can't seem to see any settings on the TV.  The Sync menu doesn't even recognise the soundbar - is this correct?


Any help appreciated here.

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