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Sony Service

Having tested the water with the A7s I finally ditched Canon after a lifetime of photography and bought the A7Rii and a bunch of lenses. Shock horror I dropped one of the lenses and had to return for repair. 

The first problem is trying to find an address on the Sony web site. Give that up and emailed them. The next day I received an excellent email with instructions for return including a freepost address. When I got to the post office they accepted the parcel but no receipt so I asked about tracing and insurance. There is none ! so I paid £9.00 , how many people just use the freepost address? does Sony accept responsibility if lost, I doubt it. Particularly when you cant even prove posting.


Two days later I receive a text saying I need to ring to authorise repair. After being on hold for several minutes a girl answered and said , take no notice of that message thats an automatic response when we reciebve the goods. How many calls to Sony get a day which are not necessary and simply increase the queue time for others calling hte service centre?


A week later I receive a letter acknowledging receipt , a price list for repairs ( which doesnt include accidental dropping ) . The receipt asks me to reing to authorise the repair, Once again I ring, join the queue and speak to a lady that asks me to hold........When she comes back the response .........the letter is just an automated service they are still preparing your estimate. OInce again how many peoplke are ringing and creating a queue only to be told they shouldnt have rang?


A week and a half later I'm no further forward, still waiting for the estimate. I wonder if they will email or ring me when the price is ready ? Then of course how long will I wait for the actual repair?


I love my Sony cameras, have no regret swirtching from Canon but I am concerned about service. When I had a similar problem with a Canon lens it was repaired and rerturned within two weeks. None of these uneccessary calls which are all a result of the automated service procedure.  If you think about it not only is it creating queues on the phone it is also costing Sony financiually and frustrating customers 

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