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DSC-HX50 - Auto-focus issues during 10 min shoots (loses focus randomly and doesn't try to gain focus again)

I have recently bought the HX50, and have been using the video option. I have it set to the highest level for quality. 


Has anyone else used this camera for longer video shoot periods? Such as 10 -  15 minute segments? The lighting was reasonably good - though indoors, and the camera had no issue focusing for the first part of filming. The subjects stayed sitting and with only minor movement (as they conversed). 


However, the camera seemed to lose all will to live about 6 minutes or more in, it just blurred for no reason. (nothing changed and it was locked off on a tripod!). It remained blurred for up to a minute or two. It finally would decide to track focus again. But quite a bit of footage was suddenly out of focus. 


Does track focus only work on short videos? Generally, its track focus has been quite good given the lighting situations I have faced it with and the video length only being around 5 - 6 minutes. But over that, something happens. It shouldn't even be altering the focus - it's in focus and fine, then suddenly - it seems to just fall asleep focus-wise. 


Is this a flaw in just my camera or is this something others are finding? 



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