Using WF-1000XM3 for phone calls

Using WF-1000XM3 for phone calls

Hi, i hace had the above headphones for about 6 month wgich are great for listening to music.  They only problem i have is using the for a phone call as i seem to get alot of static and echoing. Is there a setting to chanfe to enable thwm to handle phone calls.  I have a decent phone the Samsung s20 so it is not either device or imcompatible.


Currently i have to take the headphones off to take the call normally 


Any suggestions?


There isn't a special phone calls mode, just make sure the headphones are up to date using the Sony Headphones Connect app. For the most part, what you're getting is how the headphones perform on calls due to the placement of the mic and the fact that Noise Cancelling doesn't work when you're on a call

Thanks so i guess their not really designed for calls, but maybe try switching off the noise cancelling during calls



So guessing easier to remove them when getting a call if they not designed for this.  Like having noise cancelling on, and music wise they are awesome

In your Bluetooth pairing list (I don't know what its called or look like in an Android but assume the basics are the same pretty much) do you get up Only WH-1000XM3 or do you get also LE_WH-1000XM3? From my understanding the latter one is for hand free (speaking on the phone) and the first for MUSIC (playback), I got from waging full out war initially, with devices, drivers and the WH-1000XM3 before taming the beast in it. The first can take calls but does it badly but plays music best, the second (LE_) plays music horribly bad like through a phone but since I got both of them visible and simultaneously active at the same time, my calls seems better or at least no one is complaining like before saying I sounded like I was in a different room than the headphones. Another thing I noticed was that, obviously, was when batteries got lower the quality went out the same window that the microphones jumped out of. But other than that it seems that they also work better when they are for the location and sound environment optimized through the Sony app, which i assume you have installed and updated. That app does not necessarily have to be activated just because the headphones are connected, sometimes you need to actually Press the "Activate/Connect" button, and Then it optimizes the headphones silent mode and I assume also the microphones...


Now remember that I'm really an Idiot when it comes to the WH-1000XM3, everyone more or less is, or layman of laymen I guess would be more diplomatic referring to others.😁.. So no Idiotproof guarantee comes with my advices unfortunately... Its late so ill throw in a story, just for the Hell of it, so to speak would be quite fitting... It is told and whispered in the echoing halls of Sony R&D section that only a very select few had full knowledge and wisdom about All the ins and out of these headphones, but they All apparently disappeared mysteriously the same day as the launch...which is probably why the X4's have so..., lets say.., "Conservative advancement" from the X3's. Anyways....(urr..shivering😥..) Actually, since that day, or apparently rather, if the box the device come in, is held in the right light, at the right angle, on Black Fridays, before opening the box for the first time the text "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate", most frequently translated as "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here"... "and enjoy the Sound of it", could be added for good measure appears in flaming letters..😭. I know for certain that its also written in a very famous book from mideavel times.😨  Not sure its true though, about the team and the box an' so....😎 It does seem to have a mind of its own though....🤔...🙄

@Stephen.anton.jones Have you tried the suggestion in the previous post by man0negro0?



@man0negro0 I have to say, that was pretty amazing. Haven't laughed this hard in a while so thank you 😂

Hi John Doe,

Thank you very much, that was my full intention. You know i figured that the majority would just go say *****..shaking their heads "what a nut job..." and i thought, maybe not write it... But then, a bit to my surprise  I caught myself thinking.. *****.. and my fingers started going like a Tommygun over the keyboard like a mad man without having a clue where it was going to go, i temporarily was probably haha.. As Cheshire the cat in Alice in wonderland said "If you  dont know where you're going then it doesnt matter where you end up...." It was plenty fun though. I figured Someone will enjoy it and why should 99.99% of the people be the ruling party when it could entertain at least One guy 😂, and i apparently i wasnt exactly in "Democracy mode" or mood for that matter.

I'm Glad Joe that at least the two of us enjoyed it.  It's nice to be able to kick of the shoes sometimes and just say *****.. and go completely freestyle bonkers. Like the smiling cat Cheshire in Alice in Wonderland says "We're All Mad Here"...


About your question above; I think someone said that @Stephen.anton.jones at first was very happy to have found a possible solution and were planning to try it.....before he got the second part of the Post and reevaluated things a notch... But it does work, for some...


So Joe_Dohn... (oh.. Now i see the play with "John Doe", which is actually what I wrote first, 'got me there. Now I know I'm dyslectic too, thanks Joe 😅) ...Did you try the APTx HD Bluetooth codec , some claim they can hear a Big difference, but i suspect there might be a dash of "The Emperors New Clothes" there, ...or its sadly just me that that won’t get further than this as an audiophile, a not so fitting title perhaps that sounds horrible by the way.. (no pun intended😂) I can't hear any Super Massive difference to be honest, actually none.. But it feels reassuring to simply know that HD is There. It's ironically the first instance that I've felt that I've gotten more than I bargained for, in the positive sense of the saying,  with these awesome sounding ear-heaters, so it's a pity I can't hear it, just knowing it's will have to do i guess...Id love to hear (again no pun int.) what you say, if yoi hear any big or slight diffrence




AptX HD basically gives you the ability to listen to higher quality music than AptX can. But if you're using the same apps/music files, you wouldn't hear much of a difference, unless you were missing some details in the first place.


You can only begin to hear a difference when you use HD music, like FLAC or DSD or apps like Deezer/Tidal using their HD level subscription.


I really enjoyed your last post as I did this one as well, thanks a lot for making my day twice now! 😂😂


Hope this helps!


PS: Sorry about the dyslexia revelation, 100% not intentional.


- JD