

Hello everybody and thank you for letting me

join. I need help!  I cannot Create any play list

for my Walkman NWE 394. I’m using a Dell, 4 gigs

ram with Win 7 Pro, 64 bits. Up until a few weeks ago I had no

problem using media go since that time I’ve tried everything on

the net including the latest program; Music Center. I’ve even tried

using Windows Media Player, no playlist. Then I now find, that I

cannot transfer any older playlist to the Walkman either!


If this sounds like the ramblings of a grumpy old man; I don’t mean it to

be but I’m a bit angry. I’ve been a happy and satisfied customer Of Sony

since the 1960’s so this ain’t my first day at the rodeo. It does seem like

they are a bit shy when it comes to software lately. The file transfer system was

a very nice piece program. Why Sony felt the need to improve on it????? I’ll

never know. Again, thanks for letting me join the group and if any of this sounds

familiar to anyone, I would appreciate any help offered.





[Edited by moderator to remove duplicate message]

Not applicable

Hi there,


Hopefully one of the community members will be able to help.


Best wishes,


Hi db1433,


Welcome to our community!


As far as I know the Media Go software is no longer supported and there are no new updates for it and instead, Sony has released the Music Centre software that can be used on different platforms and for different Sony devices.

It's not very clear to me why this is happening but here are a few suggestions:
1- Make sure your Walkman is running the latest firmware version from this link.

2- You'll find helpful instructions on how to get your Walkman ready to transfer content from the PC including playlists on this link.

3- You'll find detailed instructions on how to use the Music Centre software to transfer content to your Walkman here.


If this helped to resolve the issue you're having please mark it as a solution so others can find it easily.

