Problems with sound card and msn messenger


Problems with sound card and msn messenger

When in an audio conversation in msn mesenger I can hear people but they cant hear me.

Ive read that this could be the case if the sound card is half duplex.

What is the sound card in RZ422P?

Is it only half duplex?

If not any idea why I can only hear people and they cant hear me?

P.S. All of the mic settings are correct


if you useing a differant OS I.E windows 98 or 2000 and want an audio convo with sum1 that is useing X.P then it is not possible with windows messenger, Stupid i know, but the connflics in th Os's sometimesdont work, i know this from experience lol...... but sumtimes it does, dumb huh?


the person i was talking too was using the same OS as me and i tested if it was half or full duplex by playing a song and recording my vioce at the same tiem and it worked, so i guess its full duplex

Although this still hasnt fixed my problem,,lol


just a thought but did you do that 'audio tuning wizard' on messenger?

if no try this,

open up messenger, go to tools, and press audio/video tuning wizard, then just follow the simple instructions,


tried that


It might be worth checking your firewall settings if you have them. MSN conversations require specific ports to be available. I know that some types of NAT routers/modem/firewalls can cause issues with MSN.

.... Just read your other post (best not to double post - it makes it easier to track responses)