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Instant BSOD when extending the desktop through HDMI

Instant BSOD when extending the desktop through HDMI


I bought the VPCCA2C5E (14" C series with 1600x900 screen and i7, everything else is stock) laptop a week ago. Decided to connect it to my TV to watch videos on a big screen.

To begin with - the sound and picture on the TV are as expected but the laptop screen starts flickering furiously to the extent that it almost makes me dizzy.

The default mode is clone, meaning that it's the same image on both screens. Now, I switch to "extend" to have one large desktop and boom! BSOD! I thought "ok, maybe just one off". But no, it happens every time I do it.

I've tried all possible drivers - from old and crappy stock Sony drivers to 11.8 preview. All the same. As soon as the key is released to select "extended" it crashes.

What is this thing that I pay such amount of money and an elementary feature like this doesn't work? It even works flawlessly on my 12" ASUS VX6.

Another issue, which I suspect is related to the same problem is that the graphics don't switch automatically when using the "sowtware switch" (the one, which is supposed to turn ATI on when a defined application gets launched). It works if I select switching based on power source. It does switch to ATI when it's plugged in and then back to Intel when it's not plugged in.

It kind of renders the whole ATI card useless when you can't use it whenever you want and however you want, doesn't it?

So, my question is - does anyone know of a fix apart from returning the laptop? I didn't pay 900 quid to get a machine that can't do basic functionality...


By the way, I installed Ubuntu as the second operating system and the HDMI works fine, my TV even switches to 1920x1080. So this is an obvious driver issue. However, I bought the laptop to use with Windows 7 and not Ubuntu.


I had to reply my topic as it says "The website is down for maintenance" when I try to edit the original post.