
Fan Noise

Hello everyone. I have an RZ-422P. When I initially got the computer about 3 weeks ago I did all the updates it said I could on the vaio-link page, including updating the original bios from the 2002 version to 2003.

All was fine. However, the other day I saw the 2004 bios had been put up on the vaio-link page, so I downloaded this and installed it as it was instructed on the page. However, after it had been updated, the psu fan seems to be creating lots more noise than it was before - it seems to be on full all the time. I found this link below, which I realise is about a year and a half old, but I seem to have exactly the same problem as this guy.


Has anyone else experienced this problem, and does anyone have any idea how to remedy this? I've tried to get on to the e-support but it doesn't seem to recognise my e-mail address, and I've tried searching around in the bios, but the only thing I can find on the fan is it's rpm.

Many thanks in advance!

P.S. I'm posting this in that desktop and solutions sections of the forum, just so everyone sees it. Just in case you wonder why it's in both . . .


Please don't double post, just makes more work for the volanteers.
As for the problem, all I can say is don't update the BIOS if everything is working great.