Bad service from Sony HELP!!


Bad service from Sony HELP!!

Below is a case summary:

Notes 26-Aug-2008

*** NOTES 26-Aug-2008 Action Type: Info
*** Performed by contact: *****************************
1. Installed service pack: Vista Business
Still using service pack: yes
2. Boot language: English
3. Detailed problem description: The trackpad and the two buttons along with the fingerprint scanner have worn, the laptop is only a few months old so this is not acceptable. I would like them replaced. Secondly the trackpad sometimes does not respond and will not move the mouse curser to where I want it to go onscreen.
4. Checked for upgrades or patches: yes
5. Additional SW: none
6. Additional HW: none
7. Extra memory added: no
8. Additional remarks: none

Notes 28-Aug-2008 Eleszek

*** NOTES 28-Aug-2008 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr ******,

Thank you for contacting us.

Thank you for taking my call today.

The repair case ID is 3290106. If you have any further queries, then do not hesitate to contact us again and we will assist you further.


Sony Vaio-Link Team

Notes 29-Aug-2008 *******

*** NOTES 29-Aug-2008 Action Type: Info
*** Performed by contact: *****************************
This was booked in for collection on Monday 1st sept however the courier turned up on Friday 29th Aug. Is the courier still coming on Monday?

Notes 01-Sep-2008 Justin

*** NOTES 01-Sep-2008 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr *******

Thank you for your reply.
Please confirm your telephone number and a suitable time frame to phone you and we will transfer you to our repair centre who is dealing with this. We look forward to your response.


Sony Vaio-Link Team

Notes 08-Sep-2008 ***********************

*** NOTES 08-Sep-2008 Action Type: Info
*** Performed by contact:

I have received my Vaio back and the trackpad has been replaced, however the buttons and fingerprint reader are as they were. I have also noticed the plam rest has been scratched on the leading edge that was not there when I sent it out.

Notes 10-Sep-2008 Justin

*** NOTES 10-Sep-2008 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr ***************,

Thank you for taking my call today. Please update the case if you require any further assistance.


Sony Vaio-Link Team

Case Close 20-Sep-2008 sa

*** CASE CLOSE 20-Sep-2008

Reopen 23-Sep-2008 *****

*** STATUS CHANGE 23-Sep-2008

Notes 23-Sep-2008 **********

*** NOTES 23-Sep-2008 Action Type: Info
*** Performed by contact: ***************************
Hi, I have just reopened the case as I have not received my laptop back yet.
Has it been sent out yet?

Phone Log 25-Sep-2008 Eleszek

*** PHONE LOG 25-Sep-2008 Action Type: OUTGOING call
called mr ********
spoke to him
advised taht someone from the repair center tried to contact him today
offrered transfering the call
he accepted
thanked for taking the call and ransferred the call.

Notes 25-Sep-2008 Eleszek

*** NOTES 25-Sep-2008 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr*********,

Thank you for your reply.

Thank you for taking my call today.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to update your case. If you would prefer an
e-Support agent to contact you by telephone, please update your case with your preferred contact number
and a suitable timeframe between the hours of 8:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday.


Sony Vaio-Link Team

Notes 25-Sep-2008 ********

*** NOTES 25-Sep-2008 Action Type: Info
*** Performed by contact: **********
I just took a call from the repair centre and they said they want to charge £106 fro repairs. I believe this is for the mark at the front of the laptop. If this is the case I will decline. However I would like the mouse buttons repaired under waranty as I dont accept that that is justified wear and tear on a 9 month old laptop that cost £1899 to purchase new. I have a Lenovo laptop that shows no sign of wear after 3 years!

Notes 27-Sep-2008 Malgorzata

*** NOTES 27-Sep-2008 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr *******************,

Thank you for your reply.

Please note that Vaio was repaired and has been sent out on 25th of September.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to update your case. If you would prefer an e-Support agent to contact you by telephone, please update your case with your preferred contact number and a suitable timeframe between the hours of 8:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday.


Sony Vaio-Link Team

Notes 27-Sep-2008 ********

*** NOTES 27-Sep-2008 Action Type: Info
*** Performed by contact: **********************
Unfortunatly the laptop has been returned unrepaired again. The two trackpad buttons and the fingerprint reader are still worn, not what I expect from a laptop costing nearly £2K. Not good service at all from Sony. Can you rearrange again please ans make sure the work gets done this time.

Thank you

Phone Log 29-Sep-2008 Justin

*** PHONE LOG 29-Sep-2008 Action Type: OUTGOING call
Phoned Mr*********
Phone rang out with no vm

Notes 29-Sep-2008 Justin

*** NOTES 29-Sep-2008 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr ******** ,

Thank you for your reply.
I checked your case with the repair centre and from what I see that you rejected the quote so this was not repaired.
I tried to phone you today but there was no answer. Please update the case with a telephone number and a suitable timeframe to phone you. Alternatively, please phone us on 0870 240 2408. Please have your case number to hand when phoning. We look forward to your response.


Sony Vaio-Link Team

Notes 29-Sep-2008 *****************

*** NOTES 29-Sep-2008 Action Type: Info
*** Performed by contact: *******, ********************
My phone number is **********************

The wear on the laptop is more than I would expect of a laptop costing £1899. Hence the reason I want it repaired under warranty.
I have had laptops costing a fraction of what this one cost with no signs of wear after 2 years. To suggest this is general wear and tear and not covered under warranty is not right. I have previously has a Vaio SZ4 which suffered from the same problem and was repaired under warranty so I know this is not a one off case. Obviously the paint used on the surface of the trackpad and the buttons is not up to being used but just to look pretty in the showroom!

Notes 29-Sep-2008 *****************

*** NOTES 29-Sep-2008 Action Type: Info
*** Performed by contact: *********************
My phone number is ****************

Phone Log 02-Oct-2008 John

*** PHONE LOG 02-Oct-2008 Action Type: OUTGOING call
Phone Log:

Called Mr. **********.
Advised why I was calling.
Advised as the repair centre had received his unit and deemed that the paint coming off his unit was down to wear and tear.
He said that it was not acceptable and it should have been fixed FOC.
Advised that it was up to the repair centre to make this decision.
Advised that it wasnt a manufacturing fault.
He wouldnt accept.
He wanted to take further.
Advised need to email our complaints department.
He asked me to send him email with address.
Advised I would.
Gave case id.

Notes 02-Oct-2008 John

*** NOTES 02-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr Hussain,

Thank you for taking my call today,

The e-mail address to send a complaint to is

I will also send this address to your e-mail account as requested.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to update your case. If you would prefer an
e-Support agent to contact you by telephone, please update your case with your preferred contact number
and a suitable timeframe between the hours of 8:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday.


Sony Vaio-Link Team

Notes 02-Oct-2008 ********

*** NOTES 02-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
*** Performed by contact: *********************
email complaint has been sent

Notes 03-Oct-2008 id_Outlook2Clarify

*** NOTES 03-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
Case has been updated with an attachment.

Notes 03-Oct-2008 id_Outlook2Clarify

*** NOTES 03-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
Case has been updated with an attachment.

Phone Log 03-Oct-2008 John

*** PHONE LOG 03-Oct-2008 Action Type: OUTGOING call
Phone Log:

Called Mr. **************.
Advised why I was calling.
Advised we had received his email in relation to the issue of wear and tear of his notebook.
Advised our position still stands in relation to the unit being out of warranty.
He asked could we get mouse button sent out.
Advised we do not offer that service.
He advised would sell notebook.
I advised that would be his decision.
Call Ended

Notes 03-Oct-2008 ****************

*** NOTES 03-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
*** Performed by contact: ***************************
Thanks for terrible service! Sony is overpriced junk

Notes 06-Oct-2008 Justin

*** NOTES 06-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr ********

Thank you for contacting us.

We are sorry to hear that your VAIO does not satisfy your expectations and needs. Please note though, that we are constantly trying to maintain the highest standard when releasing new products. We have taken note of your comments and concerns and thank you for the time you have taken to share them with us. Unfortunately, we cannot give you any other satisfactory response.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to update your case. If you would prefer an
e-Support agent to contact you by telephone, please update your case with your preferred contact number
and a suitable timeframe between the hours of 8:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday.


Sony Vaio-Link Team
0870 240 2408

Notes 06-Oct-2008

*** NOTES 06-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
*** Performed by contact: *********************
Thank you for your reply. Your reply has only increased my anger with Sony. After spending £1899 on this flimsy laptop I do not wish to be used as a gunea pig so you may improve you future products. I just want mine to repaired under warranty and live up to the hype delivered in your false advertising campaign! This is a limited edition carbon fibre premium product that cost close top £2K. It was sold as a durable product that was supposed to withstand the toughest of tests. Sadly this is not the case at all. These laptops seem to be made just to look enticing in the showroom. Once you get them home your are on your own! I am not at all happy with this arrogont service that I am receiving and would like this case to be dealt with a higher authority. I have used Sony products in the past and whenever a problem has arisen it has always been repaired promptly. My last laptop was a vaio SZ4 which suffered the same paint wear issue that this has and after searching google I can see I am not the only one. My last one was repaired under warranty so I do not understand what is so different this time around?

Notes 09-Oct-2008 Pedro

*** NOTES 09-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr ***************,

Thank you for your reply.

It is down to the Repair Centre to diagnose the issue and make a decision. On this case, the diagnostic showed that wear and tear was related to this. This isn't covered by your normal warranty, and therefore to have the VAIO repaired, it would be chargeable.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to update your case. If you would prefer an
e-Support agent to contact you by telephone, please update your case with your preferred contact number
and a suitable timeframe between the hours of 8:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday.


Sony Vaio-Link Team

Notes 09-Oct-2008 *******************

*** NOTES 09-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
Well I disagree with their decision and as stated previously I want this case esculated to a higher authority so it may be dealt with properly.

Notes 13-Oct-2008 Malgorzata

*** NOTES 13-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr *************** ,

Thank you for your reply.

I have reviewed your case and unfortunately the physical damage has been found in the repair center. Our position remain the same. Due to the fact that the Vaio has suffered a physical damage the repair will remain chargeable. If you wish to discuss this matter over the telephone please update your case with a contact telephone number ,and a suitable timeframe between the hours of 8:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday.


Sony Vaio-Link Team

Notes 13-Oct-2008 **************

*** NOTES 13-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info

My Vaio has no physical damage, where did this come from? It has worn mouse button due to poor workmanship. I dont understand what physical damage has been found on my laptop. There is nothing else wrong with it!

Notes 15-Oct-2008 Harry

*** NOTES 15-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr **********,

Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately, the repair centre's position is final. There is no way this wear and tear to the touch-pad will be rectified in warranty, as such is stated with the warranty terms and conditions

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to update your case. If you would prefer an
e-Support agent to contact you by telephone, please update your case with your preferred contact number
and a suitable timeframe between the hours of 8:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday.


Sony Vaio-Link Team

Notes 15-Oct-2008 *****************

*** NOTES 15-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
Thank you for your reply.

The repair centre has given you the impression that my laptop has suffered pysical damage hence the reason they will not repair it. As I stated earlier there is no physiacl damage, just paint wear on the mouse buttons which should not have worn so quickly (9 months). If this is normal wear then im afraid these buttons are not fit for purpose. Are they not meant to be used?

I quote from the sales of goods act:

• Goods are of satisfactory quality if they reach the standard that a reasonable person would regard as satisfactory, taking into account the price and any description.

I think I am a reasonable person and I dont believe that taking into account the high price and description in your advertising campaign for the SZ series that I am expecting too much!

I quote from the sales od goods act again:

• Aspects of quality include fitness for purpose, freedom from minor defects, appearance and finish, durability and safety.

Here I would like to draw your attention to fitness for purpose. Are these mouse buttons supposed to be used or not? If they are used and wear down in 9 months are they fit for purpose? Note the wording after that which refers to appearance and finish and durability!

I quote again from the act a final time:

• For up to six years after purchase (five years from discovery in Scotland) purchasers can demand damages (which a court would equate to the cost of a repair or replacement).

• A purchaser who is a consumer, i.e. is not buying in the course of a business, can alternatively request a repair or replacement.

I presume that the above refers to out of warranty requests however mine is still under one year old and under warranty! This is unbeleivable Sony!

I have waited almost 2 months now and with no resolve to this matter. I would like this repaired instead of just being fobbed off. If no satisfactory conclusion is reached I will pursue the matter in the small claims court as this is just getting rediculous!

Notes 17-Oct-2008 David

*** NOTES 17-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr. ********************,

Thank you for updating the case. Sadly our position remains the same and we will be unable to assist you in this matter bar offering an out-of-warranty repair service as before. The repair centre's decision as regards this is final and not a position they are likely to change.

The sales of goods act refers to agreements made between you, the customer, and the retailer or point of purchase, not Sony as the manufacturer. Sony as the manufacturer provide a one-year warranty against hardware failure along with full support for the preinstalled operating system (and I can see that you have additional warranty cover as well). Neither of these warranties would cover issues deemed to be caused by physical damage such as in this case.

We regret that we can't assist you further in this, but nevertheless if you have any other queries, we are happy to answer them.
If you would prefer an e-Support agent to contact you by telephone, please update your case with your preferred contact number & a suitable timeframe between the hours of 8:00 to 18:00 GMT Monday to Friday.

Kind regards,
Sony Vaio-Link Team

Notes 17-Oct-2008 ***************

*** NOTES 17-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
Why do you keep on insisting in calling this case of physical damage when its not?

Notes 17-Oct-2008

*** NOTES 17-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
This laptop was purchased directly from sony. It is a limited edition exclusivly only available from Sony. So in this case Sony is the manufacturer and the Seller.

Phone Log 17-Oct-2008 Lisa

*** PHONE LOG 17-Oct-2008 Action Type: OUTGOING call
Called Mr. ******* on reg no.
he advised that he is not looking for a refund but wants an in warrantee repair
I advised that as the repair centre deemed it physical damage we can only offer out of warrantee repair
transferred Mr. ********* to repair centre

Notes 17-Oct-2008 Lisa

*** NOTES 17-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
Dear Mr **********

Thank you for your patience.

Thank you for taking my call today. To to clarify we are the after sales service and cannot offer replacement/refunds. Also as it stands we can only offer and out of warrantee chargeable repair until the repair centre advises of a cahnge in their decision.

Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to update your case. If you would prefer an
e-Support agent to contact you by telephone, please update your case with your preferred contact number
and a suitable timeframe between the hours of 8:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday.


Sony Vaio-Link Team

Notes 17-Oct-2008

*** NOTES 17-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info

I was told this case will be escualated to a supervisor. Why has this not happened? I am not paying for repairs on something that is clearly a warranty issue.

Phone Log 20-Oct-2008 James

*** PHONE LOG 20-Oct-2008 Action Type: OUTGOING call
Called Mr. ******** on *************************

He adv that the mouse buttons had worn on his unit which he disputed

He adv that the felt that this should be replaced under warranty

I advised that the unit had been physically damaged & explained that under these circumstances any repair would remain chargeable

I adv that the unit had been inspected by our engineers on two occasions and on both occasions the diagnosis had concluded that damage was present

I advised that damage to the unit was not covered by the warranty

Offered further assistance - not required at this time

Notes 20-Oct-2008 James

*** NOTES 20-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info

Notes 20-Oct-2008

*** NOTES 20-Oct-2008 Action Type: Info
Received call from supervisor, found him extremely rude and literally branded me a liar for saying that mouse buttons had worn through general use. He suggested some abrasive material amy have been used to wear down the buttons. Why would someone do that to their own laptop! This is certanly not the case. He was very unhelpful and the matter is still not reslved to may satisfaction

Add Notes Close Case


Terrible treatment of another disgruntled customer. They purposely break up the responsibilities of the various sections so no one knows who is supposed to deal with what. They should consider a career in politics where they’d feel right at home.
As stated in the past since moving the manufacturing process to China the quality of a lot of products is sub-standard. The first China made vaio I bought must have been made by a child it was so poorly constructed. I took a chance buying another VGN-FZ21S and must say the quality is immeasurably better (fingers crossed) and I’ve had no problems with it other than OS issues, but that’s Microsoft related.
I’m sorry to hear your problems but it’s one of the reasons I don’t buy too many consumer electronics over the web. I find it much better to have a physical address I can go to if there are such issues. The guys in my local sony shop are pretty cool and would get something like your problem fixed under warrantee fixed with no questions asked.

Hi idmax

Sorry to hear of your problem.

I have elevated this for you, although I fear the result may be the same if that is the policy.


It gets better. A so called supervisor finally called me yesterday and are standing by the service repair diagnosis that this is physical damage. And how exactly did they decide on this? You will never believe it. Apparantly I must have been applying too much pressure on the trackpad buttons causing them to wear down so quickly. WTF!! What is this?? The supervisor was very argumentative and rude and totally unhelpful. I have never experienced service like this before from anybody. SHAME ON SONY. I am pretty sure this will be my last Vaio and will be going back to Lenovo.

4 years later and more customers are getting the same awful service from Sony. My brand new 2 months old Sony Vaio laptop developed a problem and the screen became blurred with white and blue lights on it. Sony repairs (via FlexTonics) claimed there is a damage to the screen (from inside). Although there is no damage for the screen from outside,  no cracks, dents, nothing, they claim that someone might applied some pressure and caused an internal crack & damage inside the screen!!!

They want to charge me £355 to fix the screen of a £450 laptop which is only 2 months old!!!

Worst support I have ever seen in the UK...

Never buy Sony Vaio Laptops.