KDL-50W656A and Sonos Playbar

KDL-50W656A and Sonos Playbar

On Friday my Sony KDL-50W656A didn't put out any sound via the Sonos Playbar which it has been doing for a few months (since the point I bought them both together).  Since then I have been unable to get the KDL-50W656A to play any sound through the Playbar despite resetting all connections and performing a factory reset.


Is there any chance that a firmware update could have made this happen?


I would dearly love some advice on this matter if anyone can help.



Cheers all



Not applicable

HI there


Im not fully familiar with the Sonos Playbar, but do you have other Sonos equipement that is connected to your router?


A couple of things to try:

  • Ensure that your TV Speakers are set to "Audio System"
  • Ensure that the optical cable is plugged in fully on both the TV and Playbar

When it stopped working - what changed?  Only the FW update to the TV, or did you move or touch anything?  Could the optical cable have broken/snapped?

