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BBC I player not working on 40" Sony 3D TV


BBC I player not working on 40" Sony 3D TV

From some of the replies below! I take it that we have to wait and see if and when it is fixed. Is that correct? Is it Sony's or the BBC's duty to fix the problem with I player.

I think it is disgusting that this won't work on my TV and has previously done sone for quite a while now until last week or so! Has anyone an idea of when it will be up and running?

Also I noticed on this forum as well, sony don't have 4 OD or itv player as an option. Why is this not option? Again poor performance from Sony.

Thanks for anyone's help.

Kind Regards

James Sidney

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Hi there


I know its frustrating in getting any type of feedback or resolution on this (trust me, I know). Unfortunately I have not received any further updates either.  I'll try again tomorrow.  However any updates received, Ill post in your original thread : HERE as multiple threads of the same issue doesnt help and is hard to keep a track of.


4OD and ITV Player, there is a really really long thread discussing this : HERE, last time I looked into this, Sony  wants these services on their TVs, but unfortunately 4OD and ITV seem to think differently.  Also for quite sometime, Samsung paid a lot for exclusivity and locked out other manufacturers.  Scroll to the last couple of pages of that thread, for more information.



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Hi there


I know its frustrating in getting any type of feedback or resolution on this (trust me, I know). Unfortunately I have not received any further updates either.  I'll try again tomorrow.  However any updates received, Ill post in your original thread : HERE as multiple threads of the same issue doesnt help and is hard to keep a track of.


4OD and ITV Player, there is a really really long thread discussing this : HERE, last time I looked into this, Sony  wants these services on their TVs, but unfortunately 4OD and ITV seem to think differently.  Also for quite sometime, Samsung paid a lot for exclusivity and locked out other manufacturers.  Scroll to the last couple of pages of that thread, for more information.

