40HX 723. Just a small issue


40HX 723. Just a small issue

So Ive just taken delivery of this excellent TV. Won it in a prize sweep for Euro 2012 actually. It's excellent. I already  own a sharp 52" tv and a Sony projector- which was professionally calibrated - and having tweaked the settings I'm convinced of the superior picture quality of this  tv

Minor issue. I wanted to align the picture settings on the internal digital tuner with that from an external sky box. I check them side by side using the P> P facility. Problem is when I go to this option the digital channel has  reverted to the previous channel I have been watching ie I have to go back into the digital tuner and reset the channel to correspond with the satellite one I want to compare the picture against. Can this be fixed?

Hope that makes sense

Any thoughts?

Also, is the HD I/p banking problem been  fixed yet?

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