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volume osd disappears when input is 4k on str-dn860


volume osd disappears when input is 4k on str-dn860



i have Sky Q as my input and Samsung 4K tv as the output, and at 1080p output, when i change the volume, the volume bar appears on my TV.  However, if i change the sky Q output to 4K the volume bar disappears.   it still appears on my other 1080p devices, so i know it's not a setting on the amp.


Any ideas?  i'm using the latest firmware, and i've turned the auto display on and off again, not sure what else to try!



Not applicable

Hi there


Its hard to know which device is causing this.  My suggestion is to go back to basics - Remove the AV Receiver out of the equation and only have the SkyQ Box attached to the TV.  Test in 1080p and 2160p modes. 


Then add the AV Receiver to the TV as well, and pass-through the audio from the SkyQ box through the TV to the AV Receiver. Test.


Then connect the SkyQ box to the AV Receiver itself and see what happens.  You might be able to figure out which device in the chain is causing this.

