BDP-S370 no internet services

BDP-S370 no internet services

My BDP-S370 was very easy to set up and I've enjoyed access to all of  the fantastic internet services for about 7 or 8 months. Then about 3  weeks ago it started having problems accessing the internet services.  The internet connection test is OK, however I get a message saying that  either DHCP or DNS isn't working. DHCP is definitely on at the modem,  and I asked the ISP (Talktalk) if there were any DNS problems - there  aren't

I restored factory settings on the player, updated the  modem/router's firmware (Netgear DGN 2000), and input all of the  settings again. All to no avail.

II would especially like  confirmation from Sony whether or not this is a hardware problem as the  player is under guarantee and I'd like to return it to the retailer.


Hi there is no way to determine if this is a fault with the player or not, I can only advise you have it tested at a different location/router and see if it acts in the same way.    I take it you have checked all the details under network settings to ensure it matched the rest of the network?

The solution turned out to be very simple - I changed the network cable and everything worked fine. Just a word to the wise though - the test was coming up with an OK for the physical connection even though this patenetly wasn't the case.