PSN hack. Bank account cleaned

PSN hack. Bank account cleaned

This is a message to all users on the playstation network. I had my account hacked in the early hours on Saturday morning. 

By the time i had woke up they had taken £17,000 pound from my account by purchasing vbucks on the playstation store with my debit card details 


I contacted my bank who said they can’t do anything until Sony respond, and Sony have said it will take 48 hours to investigate. 

How both parties have allowed this to happen is insane, one the banks metrics should of flagged that many transactions and two Sony shouldnt of let it happen in the first place. 

All my money is gone and I can’t do anything it about it until Sony respond. 

If Sony don’t give me my money I’ll first go to the papers and second go to court, as it’s such a huge amount of money. 

Every please check your details and remove any cards you have on their system 

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Hi there,


Please contact PlayStation support here. They will be happy to help.


Best wishes,


So sorry to hear mate!

I dont understand how this is not more known to everyone? How has there been no more media coverage about this?

I have had near €200 taken from my account as well. I have been waiting for a response from Playstation for 3 Weeks. They asked me to call, I spoke to 5 different Service Agents and all of them told me something else and nothing is being done about it.

We are not the only ones!!

This is disgusting.


Hello good morning my name is Lucy I got a message from my bank that I have been taken 87.39 from my bank account this morning I don't understand this please can you tell me what is happening because I haven't bought anything from Sony, can you refund me the money.
