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I need some help with a PS3 problem
Hi all, I need some help with a PS3 problem, I've tried complaining to Sony and trading standards but I've had no help at all. I was sent to this forum and I have explained my story to "jumpsuit" but he is no help at all, just wants try and be funny with me rather than helping. I ordered a PS3 bundle, which included GTA for £250ish Christmas time. Due to a Playstation update and a GTA update I can no longer play it. I've paid all that money for 2 months of entertainment. Trading standards agreed this is wrong but there are no laws that cover updates at this time. Sony are not interested because they've had my money, and lets be honest this can happen to anyone with a Sony console. I'm asking for any help at all because I am at a big lose and I'm concerned that the same thing can happen to other people. All I've had off the "expert" "jumpsuit" is buy another one or pay more for the next model, surely people deserve more when they paid for a product. To be honest my whole experience has been a complete nightmare and has put me off buying a Sony product ever again. Please help 😕
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Yes there is a forum http://community.eu.playstation.com/t5/English-Forums/ct-p/55 click on the link and once the page opens click on sign in found in the top right then sign in using your Playstation ID.
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@LokiSam wrote:I would like to add, this topic is not solved yet, I dont know why the page is saying it is. Although its another way to try and get rid of me I guess.
Who marked the thread as solved because I thought it was only the thread creator who could do that. Anyway I cannot do anything to change this maybe the forum community team can help.
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Well there certainly seems to be a negativie vibe around here lately (and alot of inverted commas too.)
" All I've had off the "expert" "jumpsuit" is buy another one or pay more for the next model, surely people deserve more when they paid for a product. "
This is an outright Lie
Here is our initial encounter 1 week ago .....
Nowhere do I state that YOU should do anything. Given the choice of a PS3 or an XBOX, I would buy a PS4. I still attempted to get some information from you though in case any help could be offered.
In your reply to this post you clearly state that " Sony said to I must pay more money if I want to play my game again. Joke of a company!!
You currently seem to be fully aware that I am not Sony but have made several comments such asl
"All I've had off the "expert" and "jumpsuit" is buy another one or pay more for the next model."
Again I must repeat to our members that comments such as these are outright Lies.
(Is that size font a bit dramatic?)
Your first post in that thread today was in response to a member raising a TV problem.
Your reply?:
Tis member was clearly NOT seeking advice on what console they should buy yet you offered it regardless.
Regarding help - Despite your repeated insults, which can be seen by anyone interested starting on Page 8 in This Thread you were already advised to post on the Playstation forum as this site does not deal with consoles.
You were pointed in the correct direction.
(I'm sure any reasonable person would understand that given your repeated insults that I would 'forget' to provide you with the link.)
Also the link tab is clearly visible on this Community Homepage):
After this member Pumpkin_Duke gave you a link to this same Playstation forum for you to post on as that maybe your best chance for help.
After 2 members pointing you to the PLAYSTATION FORUM you then asked if there was "a forum like this for Playstation:
Thank you @Nobody-in-particular for your words.

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Humour is used to try and defuse tense situations.
As you have been pointed to the ps forums multiple times, any further post from you on this thread should contain an apology to Jumpsuit.
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LOL Sadly for me, and sadly for yourselves, I have no life and I have the time to write all this.
I would’t do this usually but I was sent to this forum by Sony, the title of the forum? Costomer Relations / Complaints Department Contact Details. I first asked for help in March, I explained my frustration with the customer service I had received from Sony. All seems fine? No……. Nothing was said to me, no advice, no hi, nothing. This forum didn’t receive another message until 2 weeks ago, he explains his same frustrations with Sony but with a phone. Jumpsuit replied within minutes with a hi, and a welcome, which was nice for dianelester but showed I was no concern to get any help for me. They had a back and for conversation for 6 messages during that week. Once again, I’m glad someone was at least helping dianelester but I was feeling extremely ignored by this “expert” (in there for you jumpsuit ) who in nearly 3 months hadn’t even said a word to me. I pointed out a week ago that I enjoyed the feeling of being ignored for so long. I even thought I’d start to recommend the XBOX to people, if the same happens to someone else, at least someone is trying to help them.
My first reply off jumpsuit (page 5)
Hi LokiSam 
I wouldn't bother with either, I'd go for the PS4 
and then he began to ask what I had done, if I had bought the playstation off a mate, a shop or online. He also added about the warranty. Not sure if you would get a warranty off a mate. Lets face it though, I would find it a lot easier to get my money back off a person rather than a huge company. Maybe this place is peoples lives, I don’t want to be here, Sony told me I’d get help here.
My reply to his comment?
Not buying a PlayStation ever again to be honest, I've always been a huge PlayStation fan but if people knew how easy it is for an update to screw up their memory, they wouldn't bother. As stated in a previous comment, all this is due to an update, which has no laws attatched at the moment but this system needs to change or more people will lose a lot of money. Your PS4 might update a game and you wont be able to play that game ever again, like me. I'm 100% this doesn't happen for XBOX users so best bet is to stay away from PlayStation. Sony said to I must pay more money if I want to play my game again. Joke of a company!!
I felt the need to point back to my original message because I was sure my first message hadn’t been read at all. I was only noticed when I pointed out I was being ignored. I added another comment explaining what Sony had said to me. More info I can give about the problem Im having, the better right?………LOL you would think anyway.
Then we went back to ignoring me for a week……… a week! so 2months and 2 weeks I was ignored. 7 messages pass through the forum, none involving me. A new guy comes along and once again asks for help. Within minutes jumpsuit replies to the guy, feeling sorry for his bad experience and how he will help out as much as possible. That made me laugh so much!!! So I had to reply because so far jumpsuit had promised to help 3 people in 3 months on the forum but none seemed to get their issues solved. I thought I’d help the guy out and point out the bad service I was getting on here.
my response to another customer complaining (Page 7)
Don't worry Mr_Mojo, at least they are looking at your issue. Best I've been told is to pay more money or buy a new model. You might be lucky and get more than 2 months out of your product. My best advise is to get a refund and look at a different product, not Sony, and never buy a Playstation if you want a console, go for an XBOX, less hassle and you get what you pay for.
No response again so I added
Mr_Mojo your going to wish you took my advice, good luck to you though 
Mr_Mojo then started to tell us about his bad experience and I consoled with him and sharing what they had done to me
(Page 😎
It's very annoying being ignored and that's all I've had from Sony sadly, that or pay us more and we'll fix it, when it's a new product. I thought I might get somewhere posting on here but you'll probably end up like me, typing to let people know that Sony have no interest in helping. Lesson is, buy right first time, leave the Sony products alone.
This was followed by a strong reply from jumpsuit
Thanks for the PM Mr_Mojo, I have updated your escalation details.
To everyone: Please don't forget that all electronic manufacturers have complaints / make errors.
After receiving 5 faulty Samsung TVs in a row quite a while ago I vowed never to use their brand (or Currys) for anything again and never have. (I'm sure Samsung aren't crying though lol.)
Even Microsoft and XBOX have a few problems LokiSam 😮 , as do Nintendo.
As I have said elsewhere its good that Sony get to hear about problems their customers are having with their items or with customer service otherwise they can't fix them. This may not satisfy those that haven't 'got what they wanted', but as a principle it is sound.
"Stabilising Lust3r core."
This is where I believe that jumpsuit got snappy at my XBOX comments LOL. At this point I feel like I’m trying to help people and being made to look stupid by your “expert” (in there again for you jumpsuit ). I didn’t find this acceptable as help from an “expert” (in there again for you jumpsuit
). My reply?
So it is acceptable for a company to sell an electrical product for £250ish, for it to only work for 2 months and then due to an update, made by Sony, stops you from using it? and then for Sony to say updates are not covered by the warranty? This is acceptable? can you tell me 1 XBOX bundle that only plays for 2 months? Does XBOX know they can do the same and scam loads of people out of money?? Simple questions I'm asking
and then
Please note that not all companies are this useless at customer service
Then I had the best customer serves from your “expert” (in there again for you jumpsuit ).
His reply…..
I knew you wouldn't be able to resist.
I of course will not be answering your questions 
"Stabilising Lust3r core."
He shows in this comment that he is egging me on to react and really enjoying himself in doing so. GREAT CUSTOMER SEVICE in a forum titled Re: Customer Relations / Complaints Department Contact Details…….. I’ve worked in customer service before and I’d have a P45 for reacting like that to someone asking for help. I was a mix of emotions at this point, laughing, anger and a loss of faith in this forum and Sony.
I had to keep myself laughing because as it is clearly seen in the convo that jumpsuit wasn’t helping, only having the joy of trying to annoy me.
I enjoyed the next comments, as I said I had to keep myself laughing instead of letting a small minded person who prides himself behind the word “expert” (in there again for you jumpsuit ) which is really laughable with what seems be someone with terrible social skills, try to get to me.
Welcome to Sony Customer Relations
You know yourself it is not acceptable but cant do anything to help or say in any way that Sony are in the wrong. If this was you as the customer, what would you do? Adivse people to stay away from a company that has an incompetant customer servise?
Welcome to Sony Customer Relations and Complaints Department. Is your product faulty? Not working anymore?? Please feel free to tell us all about any complaint you have so we can, tell you to buy a new one or maybe buy the newer more expensive model. Have your say as we mock you because by law we've already screwed you. Have a nice day
Summed up my experience with Sony and jumsuit to be honest.
After realising what he’d said and the fact he did nothing but try to annoy me for 3 months, he adds his last message
I believe I said I wasn't going to answer your questions.  (especially if I'm getting a little fed up of someone going on about XBOX in the middle of trying to help someone with their TV problem. Not all roads lead to XBOX.)
I don't work for Sony or their customer service (none of the Experts etc. do) and am just a simple member of the public who doesn't actually have to respond 
I assume you contacted trading standards as you mentioned you may do in March. Hope they sort it out for you.
I can't do anything to help? - You may want to try posting in the actual Playstation forum as this site doesn't deal with consoles  (As I'm sure you have noticed?)
Good Luck  Over and out in your case.
This was by far the most informative message he had written in 3 months lol and not just for me.
I was told by Sony that people on here worked for Sony, so that I found very informative in your last post. He asks if I’d contacted trading standards, which was mentioned in my comments to him previously. Great listening skills from the “expert”. He tells me to try the actual Playstation forum….. Sony said this was!! Why not mention that in the first reply instead of stringing me on for 3 months just to have a few digs to try and get a reaction. Seems like the only thing he’s good at is being a troll. I have been abusive towards Sony, I'd agree, 90% of the messages from new people are. Towards jumpsuit I have only commented on your extremely bad "help"(shouldn't be called help) and the amazement your an expert.
Now on to jumpsuit’s lovely story to cover his back and make himself feel morally in the right.What was so hard about doing the screen shot 3 months ago???????? You could have sent me to the right place, many messages/3months ago?????? LMFAO half way through you say I knew you didn’t work for Sony LMFAO You mentioned it in your last post to me. I’m getting really fed up with time wasters and you jumpsuit have been the worst. I hope you don’t treat anyone else this way because with enough complaints you might get deleted from a forum where you are highly regarded. Generally I wouldn’t want to tarnish anyones reputation but honestly jumpsuit you deserve it. That’s why I’m writing this complaint about you.
I’m glad you noticed my inverted commas I really laugh every time I see “expert” by your name and the pride you take in it LOL most useless expert I have ever met in my entire life. Your huge last comment honestly cracks me up and your nothing but a twisting liar thats trying to cover your back, YOU MUST REALLY NEED THIS FORUM, so sad.
I don’t see the point in a complaints page, where the “experts” are not aloud to have complaints against them if they are useless and just annoy people who are asking for help. If you had accepted what you did and just sent me the link in the first place, none of this would have happened!! Or a simple, I can't help you sorry. That might of saved a little respect for you and this forum off me. If you ask for help and you meet the wrong “expert” you're waisting time, better off sending pidgins to Sony hoping they might make it. I am very disappointed, £250 down and brushed off by Sony and then by this forum. Best advice for people, don’t bother with either.
All I wanted was help, cheers all, can not be bothered with this anymore, ridiculous being treated like crap for so long now.
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I definatly didn't click solved on purpose lol thanks for letting me know I have the power on this page tho. wish I bumped into you first on here fair play, you've been very helpful, thank you nobody-in-particular
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Specialist 5,381
I was only told experts didn't work for Sony yesterday sorry, jumpsuit could of said but didn't till the end of our convo. Also I was only told yesterday that this isn't a PS forum when I was told it was by Sony, this was also something I should have been told 3 months ago. I try to be humous too but there are times and places, continually pushing someone is always going to get a reaction tho sadly. I honestly believe if you read the whole thing you would see I'm owed the apology off jumpsuit. Don't be easy to judge me please, just because I met the wrong person on here. I hope you read through and I would love to see where I'm in the wrong
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I'm getting messages for abusive behaviour lol did jumpsuit get one a week ago?
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You are right, I am sorry, he didn't say "buy another one or pay more for the next model", he said nothing about buying another PS3, he advised me to go for a PS4, it's what he'd do. So half of that line above is false and I'll put my hand up for that one, was still in shock someone could do it to me tbh. The rest of it tho is all true and you might have a high opinion of the guy, he might be half decent BUT I highly doubt it due to the experience I've had with him. I can see he's highly regarded here due to the amount of people that want to shoot me down before listening to my complaint about him and the fact that I was reported for abusive behaviour for making a complaint lol gotta laugh at how much power a bully can have. Surely everyone has the right to let people know that someone who is highly regarded (anywhere) is messing someone around who was simply asking for help.
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