Automatic Assumption of Opt-In

Not applicable

Automatic Assumption of Opt-In

This really gets my goat now. 


Just received a letter in regards to the Electoral Role (voting).  There are now TWO registered, one for the "Electoral Register" and one called "Open Register".


Open Register :

The open register is an extract of the electorial register, but is not used for elections.  I can be bought by any person, company or organisation......Yada Yada Yada....Your name and address will be included in the open register unless you ask for them to be removed.  Removing your details from the open register does not affect your right to vote.


So that is YET another thing I have to OPT-OUT for. 


This automatic assumption of opt-in needs to be changed.

Not applicable

Just additional information on how to OPT-OUT of 2 of these schemes


Open Register:

  • You will receive a letter in the post with a unique "security code" (identification number).
  • Phone: 0800 197 2327

Its an automatic computer controlled system and takes 2 minutes to opt-out.




The following website has the infromation and forms to opt-out.




If everyone or the majority opts-out of these deceptive schemes, it tell the government - Our information and data is NOT for sale.

Not applicable

Lets go one step further now... wants public sector to TEAR UP DATA PROTECTION LAW



The British government is in the preliminary stages of designing a controversial system which will share citizens' sensitive personal information across government departments without their consent.


The measures are intended to side-step the old-fashioned guidance contained in the Data Protection Act, which makes it very difficult for information to be shared across government departments.


These recommendations are contained in a Cabinet Office “discussion document”


The proposals have been drafted by Cabinet Office secretary Francis Maude and will be contained in a White Paper due to be published in the autumn, with a possible goal of rolling out the new systems after the general election in 2015.
