PRS-600 power and charging issues


PRS-600 power and charging issues

Hi everyone


I am very sorry to bother people with my first post but I dont know what else to do.


I bought my PRS-600 in 2010 and used it regularly only ever charging it with the supplied USB cable from my Dell laptop.


I then went for a long time without using it, probably over a year.  I am now trying to use it again but no matter what I do I get nothing, no red light, nothing on the screen - nothing.


I've spent several hours looking up reader charging issues and have tried the following: -


1. Charging on via the USB on the Dell Laptop and on our new Windows 8 PC - no red light or anything else.

2. Trying different USB cables and USB ports and doing the same again.

3. Installing the driver from Sony and trying again.

4. Charing with a mains adaptor that fits the yellow socket although I didn't try this for long and it was a last resort.


I tried to email Sony but when I hit send on the email form nothing happened.


I talked to a sales assistant in the Tunbridge Wells shop but he was unable to help except to tell me there's been a lot of problems with them.


If anyone can think of something I can try I would be grateful.






Accepted Solutions

Hi ShepwayKopite,

welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..:smileyhappy:


As it has been a while since you used your reader I expect that the battery has been fully depleted and it can take around 40-50 before your reader shows any signs of life..


Try charging your reader for at least couple of hours, if you are charging your Reader using your Dell laptop then ensure your laptop is running on AC power, does not enter sleep mode and that the USB cable is connected straight into the laptops USB port.?



View solution in original post


Hi ShepwayKopite,

welcome to the Sony User Community Forum..:smileyhappy:


As it has been a while since you used your reader I expect that the battery has been fully depleted and it can take around 40-50 before your reader shows any signs of life..


Try charging your reader for at least couple of hours, if you are charging your Reader using your Dell laptop then ensure your laptop is running on AC power, does not enter sleep mode and that the USB cable is connected straight into the laptops USB port.?




Thanks for the response and welcome.


Should the red light be on or will that also only come on after a time?


I will leave it on for another hour whilst I mess about on the Liverpool forum and then I'll leave it charging on the mains adaptor (5V and fits the yellow socket) and see if there's anyting in the morning.


If that doesn't work, any idea what the technical support is like?





" .....................If that doesn't work, any idea what the technical support is like? "


To quote the old maxim.............. suck it and see ....:smileycool:   [ tool bar above, "Support".]


Have to say I've always found it very helpful .......


And the wall charge is more reliable than the PC route, I've found ...........

@ShepwayKopite wrote:

I will leave it on for another hour whilst I mess about on the Liverpool forum and then I'll leave it charging on the mains adaptor (5V and fits the yellow socket) and see if there's anyting in the morning.


Hi Jez,

any luck in charging your PRS-600.?