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my sony xperia e4g restart it from factory and it puts me loading and does not proceed


my sony xperia e4g restart it from factory and it puts me loading and does not proceed

lo reinicie de fabrica por que tildaba y me saca de las apps e depues de que se prendio no me aparecio lo de inicio o welcome ni nada si no los cuadritos de cargando y espero y solo  se apaga la pantalla y no me deja prenderla y tengo que hacer un apagado de emergencia para poner prenderlo de nuevo y sigue igual y ya lo resetie de fabrica como 5 veces y sigue exactamente igual , lo unico es que me deja acceder a ajustes y nada mas 

I restarted the factory because I checked and I removed from the apps after I set it did not appear at the beginning or welcome or anything if not the loading boxes and I wait and just turn off the screen and do not let me turn it on and I have what to do an emergency shutdown to put it on again and remains the same and I already reset it from the factory as 5 times and remains exactly the same, the only thing is that I can access settings and nothing else - GT