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RX0 II - Timelapse Photos Out-of-focus

RX0 II - Timelapse Photos Out-of-focus

Have my RX0 II mounted to my motorcycle, taking a single photo every second.  Have had mixed success with low-light, but otherwise, the photos are usually good.  Today, attempted a 20 minute time-lapse during a ride.  Every photo is out of focus.  Except the first three which were in focus on my jacket about 1 foot from the camera after I pressed the shutter. Checking the settings, it is set to Single Shot AF.  Anyone else experienced this?  I recall that when shooting video, focus is fixed according to the first frames.  Is that the case with interval photos?  Here's one of the initial photos (focused on my jacket) and a photo several minutes later (all of the photos after I had moved from the camera were this much out of focus).



Hello @NCStryder,


in your case, yes - the camera set the focus for the first frame and it didn't change afterwards.

You should be able to manually adjust the focus before taking the timelapse OR simply take care that the camera doesn't focus on something close when you start the timelapse.


- Nic