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I have a KD-49XD8305, im in Europe, and i cant download the update from the tv yet since it will rollout periodicly. But, i can use the USB method. Should i do the update to 7.0 via USB? or wait for the TV to get it ? If i used the USB method, will it affect my warranty?
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You're totally fine updating via USB. It is a procedure supported (and advertised) by Sony, there are no warranty issues at all. Also updating via OTA (on television) when available should just use exactly the same installation package. It's just that the roll-out via OTA comes out later to avoid having too have many tv updating at the same time (I suppose).
You're totally fine updating via USB. It is a procedure supported (and advertised) by Sony, there are no warranty issues at all. Also updating via OTA (on television) when available should just use exactly the same installation package. It's just that the roll-out via OTA comes out later to avoid having too have many tv updating at the same time (I suppose).
Thank you for your assistance! I downloaded the software on my USB using the instructions from Sony, but when i plug my usb on the TV, there isnt any popup.
I tried with 2 formatted FAT32 USBs, and only contained the pkg. file . Any solution?
You must unzip the file you download from Sony. After unzipping it , it created a folder with the installation package inside (at least that's how it works on my Mac). Just to be sure I copied that file in the home directory of the USB pendrive as well. So either one or another was recognised.
Ah, in 6.0.1 to do the updates I had to reboot the tv with the pen drive attached. This time instead it has been recognised immediately.
Unfortuantely. My TV wont update via USB... I tried your method, with 2 USBs (freshly formated from FAT32 to FAT32 again), but when i plugged them in, nothing happened. I did the reboot (hold down the power button )while having the USB on the tv, still nothing, i tried on 3 different ports and nothing happened. I can still watch movies from my USB but nothing with the software... Any ideas? I checked and im on 6.0.1. also i got on the notification about the update and when i click it, it directs me to the Sony Bravia Nougat whats new.
From your description it is clear that the update process does not start automatically as expected (the firmware image is not recognised).
It is not 100% clear, however, if the Pens themselves are being recognised.
When connected to to the TV, do you see the Pen in settings -> storage?
Have you tried formatting the Pen as external removable storage in the TV first, then moving it to the PC and placing the firmware, and finally moving it back to the TV?
If everything else fails. You can always try a factory reset.
Well, both of my USBs work fine and when i go to Settings -> Storage, it shows the same USB four times. (Kinda wierd). I will try your suggestion and see what happens.
Yep. Formatting the USB as external memory and then restoring it from the TV fixed my problem amd now it updated normally. Thank you for your help!
Glad it worked.
As a matter of documentation, it would help others if could detail which operating system and version you were using to format the drive, when it failed.
I have a KD49XD8305, it was running Android Marshmallow 6.0.1 when i did the USB format and now is running Android Nougat 7.0. I used the TV settings to configure my USB to internal storage and again in the same settings, i used the setting that made it a portable storage device again . For my PC i have a Win7, but nothing helped there.
I hope thats what you meant.