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Hi I recently bought a XF9005, when I check for updates, I get a message saying my system software is up to date. Software I have is PKG6.5631.0178EUA
Version 7.0
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Hi @NickBrice Only Sony will be able to tell you why the update is not been rolled out to you TV. If you get an answer please come back and let everybody know. Please contact Sony UK Support
Hello @NickBrice,
here you can find the latest update for your TV:
- Nic
Thank you this update I can't get via the TV as it keeps saying my TV is up to date but it's still on Nougat 7.0. I can't download update to a usb either as I don't have a pc.
Hi @NickBrice Only Sony will be able to tell you why the update is not been rolled out to you TV. If you get an answer please come back and let everybody know. Please contact Sony UK Support
Hello @NickBrice,
I suppose in that case the update was pulled from the auto-update and is just available trough manual installation.
This can happen if there is an issue with the app (e.g. a bug was found) - then the customer can choose if he/she installs the update despite that bug or not.
- Nic
Sony have replied saying it's only available via USB update now.
It's ashame it's not shipped from the factory with OREO as my build date in 09/19 so well after the rollout.
Hi Nick,
Welcome to the Community.
Try getting in touch with Sony Support to see if they can help.
@NickBrice wrote:Sony have replied saying it's only available via USB update now.
It's ashame it's not shipped from the factory with OREO as my build date in 09/19 so well after the rollout.
Hi @NickBrice Obviously only speculation, but this could mean that a new update is on the pipeline.