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Disney+ App - no Dolby 5.1 output

Disney+ App - no Dolby 5.1 output

I've got the new Disney+ app now it's here in the UK, been watching stuff on it fine. I noticed last night though I'm not getting 5.1 Dolby sound on anything I stream, despite the shows being available with it. There's no options so to speak, as it automatically transmits in the highest grade it can, or so it seems.


I had an online chat with their support yesterday, and it seems to be an issue with their app, not my hardware - other apps such as Amazon Prime and Netflix work perfectly on the same settings, giving me 5.1. Disney is only in stereo however.


Strangely enough, after deleting and reinstalling the app as they suggested, when streaming an episode of The Mandalorian, for the first second or two it was showing as in 5.1 on my home theatre, but then reverted to 2.0. The tech guy has reported this problem up a level, and acknowledged that it seems a widespread issue from a quick google search.


Anyone else having the issue or come up with a fix?


@robstopper  ha scritto:

Thanks for the information. Unfortunately, if i unplug the optical lead between my tv and home cinema, and rely on just the hdmi lead, i get no sound whatsoever.

Using the app on the tv, i am still limited to just 2.0 stereo, or alternatively i use the app on my xbox and get the full 5.1 i should be getting.

If you don't get any audio via HDMI is because your amp is older the 10 years ago and do not support arc probably...

I have exactly the same problem. I have a denon AVR X2300W AV amp connected from my Sony tv audio using optical cable. I have a Sky Q box also connected via HDMI and prefer to use optical cable for tv apps including Disney + as the ARC HDMI connector can be confusing as connected units need to be switched on and off in order. 

Anyway back to the problem Watching Disney through Sky Q gives me 5:1 but not Dolby vision or any other HDR output So to get the Dolby vision/HDR I watch it through the smart app. Unfortunately no Dolby 5:1 output. 
Rakuten tv, Amazon Prime and Netflix do not have this issue whilst watching via the smart tv app. 
The problem is not with my set up surely the fact that Netflix etc work fine proves this. 
The issue has to be with the app. 
Have You still got this issue as your post was some time ago?

Yep, still get no 5.1 dolby when watching it via the app on my tv. The app on my Xbox One however gives 5.1 on exactly the same hardware.


I had an online chat with Disney+ tech a couple of weeks ago, tried all manner of things like uninstalling and reinstalling the app, restarting my tv and router....all of which i could have told them from the start would not work, and it didnt!


I was promised he'd send it up the chain and someone from disney+ would call me to discuss, but no surprise i'm still waiting.


100% its an issue with the tv app, like you, i get perfect 5.1 dolby on netflix, amazon prime etc with the same set up, so its NOT a hardware or cabling issue.

Optical connection does not carry dd+ supplied by Disney plus. But if you prefer optical ...

i also have this problem with the tv app sony just blames disney when i watch disney plus on my fire tv cube 2nd gen i get dolby vision and dolby atmos but i dont get dolby atmos on the tv app sony have told me they only support dolby atmos on netflix

I spoke to Disney yesterday and they claimed to know nothing about it. They went through the usual switching tv off, deleting and reinstalling the app etc. I really wish they would listen,  it would save a lot of time. Certainly an issue, not sure if it’s with Disney or Sony. I can’t see it being resolved any time soon.

Interesting comment, how do you know this?

Neues Mitglied

This helped for me on Bravia ag9:

Switched Dolby Digital plus output to DD (instead of DD plus)


Thanks for the tip. Tried it on mine, and it made no difference. Still no dolby 5.1 on the disney app on either DD or DD+. I still get dolby 5.1 on the netflix app however, no matter if its on DD or DD+.


I was catching up on season 1 of The Mandalorian this weekend via the app on my xbox one and THAT gives me 5.1, so it is still 100% an issue with the android disney app on the tv.

I guess you are still not using the same cabling between the tv and the avr as the one between xbox and avr....