Conclusion of my Sony A1 screen patch

Conclusion of my Sony A1 screen patch

News on my Sony A1 OLED tv with an oval patch in the middle of the screen, my A1 is 4 years old and recently it developed a patch in the middle of the screen which was noticeable on a red background, this made flesh tones turn a green colour when faces or anything which requires red passes through the patch on the screen.

this tv had a 5 year Sony warranty, so I contacted Sony support and explained what was happening with this patch on the screen.

This is the procedure I followed from Sony support, firstly I was asked to calibrate the panel by putting the tv in demo mode and powering the tv off and on three times, this did not solve the problem, next I was asked to refresh the panel this still did not help, I then contacted Sony support informing them that after trying all as above the patch had not disappeared.

Sony asked me to send them screen shots with a totally red, blue, green and yellow screen, I was able to achieve this by playing a utube test video and photographing the screen.

I sent this to Sony support and awaited their response, a week later I was informed that I was in a queue and my matter was being looked into, three days later I received a email from Sony saying they would replace my tv with a equivalent specification tv as my model is no longer available, the tv I was offered was a KD65AG8 which is classed as a factory new tv. I excepted their offer which I thought was fair even though the replacement was a much cheaper priced tv, there will be a one year warranty with the replacement which Is ok having in mind that I have a year left on my A1.

I hope this helps anybody that may have a similar problem and if under warranty can have a good outcome.


Hello @audioone,


thanks for lettings us read trough your positive experience with support.

Usually people only make a post here on the community if they are dissatisfied with the support.


- Nic