2015 Bravia Android TV Issues


2015 Bravia Android TV Issues

I thought I'd create a generic thread to cover off the issues being encountered on the 2015 Bravia Android TVs. I've listed my issues below with fixes / workarounds and responses from support. All comments and solutions welcome!



1) Hot Swap HDMI doesn't work - manifested by no input on HDMI channels 2, 3 and 4 on the KD-49X8305C. Workaround - reset the TV, either by holding down the remote power button for 5 seconds or by switching the TV off at the wall and then back on again. Further details on this thread: https://community.sony.co.uk/t5/televisions/kd-49x8305c-hdmi-2-3-4-inputs-not-working/td-p/1944435


2) HDD Recording doesn't work - error message states a system update is required but none is available when checking. Hopefully this will be fixed soon by a firmware update.


3) Netflix App doesn't work - this seems like the app has been deliberately disabled. So far a support case has only recommended that a factory reset be performed (took two days to get to that cracking piece of advice.....), with no improvement as a result. A temporary (albeit for advanced users only) workaround is provided by MikeLothian on this thread - https://community.sony.co.uk/t5/televisions/netflix-support-for-kd55x8509c-android-tv/td-p/1945360 


4) Sound lag and performance issues after the TV (KD-49X8305C) has been on standby for a while - manifested for me as stuttering and sound / picture sync issues in all apps (youtube, amazon instant video etc) and HDMI sources (PS4, seperate YouView box etc). Hopefully this will be fixed in a firmware update, at the moment workarounds involve either changing channels to get the sync to work or in my case having to turn the TV off and then on again at the socket.


As stated previously, all comments welcome. Personally I'm willing to give Sony a couple of weeks to fix this, but if it's not done soon I'll be sending my new TV back for a refund as it's not really fit for purpose.

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@mark-bo wrote:

@Caledonian_TV wrote:

There is even to my certain knowledge on of their 'Quadraphonic' 1/4 reel to reel recorders in the storage room!  - All these things work; absolutely rock-solid. 


Pity we live at opposite ends of the country. We could have a real nostalgia trip together surrounded by this kit. I still have a 2 Channel reel to reel in the loft. I also have several Columbia SQ Quadraphonic vinyl albums I bought in anticipation of buying a Sony SQ Amp and decoder. I subequent;y found the "Hafler" method was almost as good albeit just a single rear channel but it worked well with Quad albums. Never bought the amp as Quad died out and they were just a bit too expensive for me at the time. However, it demonstrate how Sony were always at the cutting edge of technological innovation with aspirational products. The Picture on my TV is stunning, sadly the UI/OS doesn't match up. I just hope going for Samsung will not be a retrograde step, these are expensive gambles.


There were - if you could do the electronics - several designs that built up on the 'Hafler' concept; extracting the antiphase with op-amps then amplifying it etc...  These days I suspect there will be software decoders.  So it might be worth digitising those old records! 


But yes... These can be expensive mistakes; and especially so in these times when people are under so much pressure. I feel Sony have really abused their customers on this one; and continue to do so...  The firmware on these sets is nowhere near ready. And as other's have said; I suspect we'll be 'dumped' once the 2016 range comes out...






I don't know about lip sync but Sony are good at just lip.service  Sent from my Samsung device

@Caledonian_TV wrote:

@mark-bo wrote:

@Caledonian_TV wrote:





 So it might be worth digitising those old records! 



Ahead of you there already done and they work well when played through my Sony AV amp with Neo6 Music


Hi Peter aka @Peter_S.


just to let you know that the 'SONY' preceding your moniker can only be seen if someone takes the specific trouble to look you up; it does not appear either when you post, or when I reply.


i do hope you can live up to the name when called on to do so, though, at least rather better than Sony are currently living up to their reputation 🙂

YouView Superuser, but not an employee of YouView, nor retained by them for this purpose. It's purely me speaking

Mental health issues and mentally ill are not the same.I don't think someone health is for us to discuss really  Sent from my Samsung device

Randy_Rockhard wrote:

Hi Caledonian_TV,


Just want to follow-up on the following quote:


If Sony have somehow manipulated a mentally-ill individual into stewarding a forum on their behalf, and doing so for nothing, then that is all the more despicable and dishonourable of them as a company!


The Sony Community has many passionate and committed users. The title ‘Expert’ is given to community members who have shown extraordinary support for Sony products, by giving advice and offering assistance to other people in the community. This help is given on a purely voluntary basis, and we have no influence on the comments or posts of our Experts. Only specific Sony employees such as Community managers may exceptionally comment on Communities which is clearly visible by the logo used in front of their username. No other Sony employees are allowed to comment on the Communities.




Ah! The party line...


You know what Peter... And do bear in mind that I produce industrial and commercial video programmes for a living; and thus work around the edges of the PR and advertising industries, I believe barely a word of that...


I personally don't - not for a split second - believe that Sony haven't tried to influence comments on social media; even on this forum.


What Sony are doing with these forums is simply abdicating responsibility for their products... And showing complete and utter contempt both for their customers and for those unfortunate enough to feel they gain some 'validation' though contributing to these forums... 


So therefore I stand fully by my statement... 


"No other Sony employees are allowed to comment on the Communities."


Bit of a loaded statement there... Because of course those working for companies that provide 'outsourced' services to Sony won't technically be Sony employees! 


You should read "The Siphonaptera"!  


Again as I've said before... The level of sheer incompetence displayed by Sony in rolling these sets out as they are is breathtaking - abusive of their customer's goodwill.  That we are now over six-months on from relase, with no credible attempts made to resolve simple matters such a latency, tuner menus, and worst of all the HDD issues people are  complaining about is an absolute disgrace...


Simply; these sets should not be on sale... They should have been recalled months ago...  They can't even be reliably used as basic television receivers...


But Sony have no answers...  They have just left some poor unfortunate to stand atop the trench and take the fire... Someone who, it emerges, isn't even well... 


Shameful, disgusting, despicable.... An utter disgrace!  And all the pretty platitudes in the world don't change that..






Please, your egotistical ramblings are an embarrassment.


If you want to slag off Sony, then great, knock yourself out, if you are unhappy with your TV or your service from Sony, then by all means shout it from the rooftops, but do it in a new thread. This one ISN'T it.


You are doing ZERO to help people who have genuine problems and are basically spamming now. Please start a new thread for your soapbox ramblings.





At the risk of showing my technical ignorance here perhaps someone could help me out with the following questions:


As I understand it these TVs should have dual tuners for recording one channel while watching another, when that feature arrives. Therefore, are are the tuners a piece of hardware rather than software? If so that means there is a tuner in the TV doing nothing. If so, why isn't it possible to write an app that when installed uses the spare tuner as a source to record to an external disk plugged into the usb socket? Surely this is how any Android app on a phone works just by making use of the appropriate harware elements of the phone when it's installed. Similarly the same thing could be done for the satellite tuner. Such an app could also provide all the channel editing features that is missing from the satellite tuner. These apps could work independent of Youview providing all the features we all thought we had bought.


Perhaps I am missing something obvious here but it is a thought that has crossed my mind many times.


xx4L0Mxx wrote:



Please, your egotistical ramblings are an embarrassment.


If you want to slag off Sony, then great, knock yourself out, if you are unhappy with your TV or your service from Sony, then by all means shout it from the rooftops, but do it in a new thread. This one ISN'T it.


You are doing ZERO to help people who have genuine problems and are basically spamming now. Please start a new thread for your soapbox ramblings.

Ohh! Look! Another one....  See Arkell Vs Pressdram for what would be my full response!  Clearly, Sony's minions don't like the truth or their feet held to the fire!


I have zero brand loyalty to anyone. I have zero affilliation to anyone. You are acting like an egotistical ******. Full stop.


Edited by Drew - Profanity removed