Slow FTP transmissions with Sony A9II

Slow FTP transmissions with Sony A9II



I´m experiencing slow FTP transmission when transmitting from my Sony A9II. I use a wireless hotspot with good satellite connection, and I carry the hotspot max 1 meter away from the A9II at all time. I also transmit photos from my A1 at the same time, but with no difficulties and fast transfer speed. I have tried disconnecting my A1 to see if that helps, but no. I have tried changing my hotspot from 2,4Ghz to 5ghz, using only one of them, or using both at the same time. Nothing makes it better. One photo can take up to 20-40 minutes before it transmits, while the A1 use 2-3 seconds pr. photo. All settings are the same on both cameras, I have double checked. I have plenty of data on my hotspot, so that should not be the case. The A9II sometimes have difficulties connecting to the FTP server, but after trying some minutes it fixes itself and slowly start transmitting again. The cameras are updated to the latest versions. 


Anyone else had problems with this? Is this a camera problem, or FTP server problem?

Community Team

@mnordnes The server might overloaded you need to check that cause it might affect the speed of the transmission, or try wired connection it might work better:

Hi! Unfortunalety I don´t have access to the server since I use my clients server, and also I don't have the option to use wired connection because of I shoot out in winter sport tracks. And I can´t wait transmitting until I get in doors again... 😞
Community Team

@mnordnes Well, my friend I don't have other options for you lol. You can actually send the camera to be inspected if you want, Sony has service centres you can sent it to.