

Hi all,

I have been researching Android tablets for the last week as I am going to purchase one as a gift to someone who is 60+. I see the tablet as a refreshing way of freeing them from the PC in the corner of the living room, I hope it will allow them to access the Internet and get on-board with email in a more natural and appealing way, with finger control and the instant-on approach. They have a PC but I think they're still a little scared (in awe?) of it, as I'm sure is normal for many older folk (not all). This tablet journey for them may all be a pipe-dream, but that is the end result that I'm hoping for.

After all my research, I have settled on either the Sony S1, the Asus Transformer (not Prime) or the Toshiba AT100. As I'm sure many of you know, each has their pros and cons and there are differences aplenty.

I was going to be patient and wait until the Transformer Prime was released - suspecting prices may drop on the current generation of Android tablets. However, events appear to have overtaken me and I now have the opportunity to go into a John Lewis store tomorrow and pick up a returned as-new 32GB S1 for £314. It had been sold to an older couple who (worryingly for my plans) couldn't get used to it - so they returned it. John Lewis originally offered it to my girlfriend (who was in the store) for the same price as the 16GB (£349) but we held off, thinking the price would drop even further. If I buy it, I have been assured that it will retain its 2 year guarantee.

I can get a Toshiba AT100 from Argos for £270 (family friend can use her 10% staff discount) and I've seen the Asus Transformer ranging from £279 (briefly) to £379 on Amazon... £279 would clinch it, £379 doesn't.

Tomorrow will be all about the experience for me - I will be testing the hold of the S1, the glass (non-Gorilla), I had wanted HDMI out - really, I want to know if it can handle a good paw or whether it is going to seem flimsy. The screen is supposed to be much better than the Toshiba, but not as good as the Transformer - I want to check this out. Yes, the remote feature is appealing too.

Having spent some time reading community entries here, I am really looking for some genuine advice from the folks who have an S1... do you have any regrets? Would you still buy an S1 today? Would you wait for the prices to drop even further than the standard £349 (now) for 16GB? Would you give the edge to the Asus Transformer (not Prime) as I probably would right now (cost becomes an issue, though)? Are you secretly somewhat disappointed in the build quality - my girlfriend (who, as I say, found it in John Lewis) said "it feels like a cheap router" after performing a hands-on review in the store, but I will judge that for myself tomorrow.

I would very much appreciate your candid comments and guidance. If I was buying this for myself it would be a whole lot easier, I reckon.

Cheers, Hippo


No, the iPad has never formed a part of my considerations... well, it was ruled-out very, very early on.


As everyone on here was so helpful, I thought I would conclude the thread by letting you know that I just bought a Toshiba AT100 (Thrive). At first, I might hear gasps of wonderment as to why I did that, but it all came down to the availability of ports, full-sized ones at that.

Inferior screen, fatter tablet, more basic styling... all these are true criticisms (there are probably others) but I've decided (executive decision on my behalf for the people who will actually use it) that those ports are that much more important - as well as the bundled FileManager software and suchlike. I do see the AT100 as more like an intermediate step between laptop (which the recipients don't have) and tablet, actually.

I'm not overly concerned about the ICS position, I've not bothered looking into it yet. I've just made sure I can go and install those battery-hogging active backgrounds, like the Asus Transformer's MyWater, which I can. :slight_smile:

Also, I got it for a steal with some serious haggling, even cheaper than I could get it from Argos with my friend's 10% staff discount.

I doubt I'll do the same for myself when I get on the tablet bandwagon, however, there will be a glut of updated tablets out by that time, I am sure.

Thanks again, job done, Hippo

glad to see you found something that meets your requirements, although I'm a bit late in suggesting waiting for the amazon fire which there seems to be a bit of a buzz about

just curious to know the price you paid:)

Hi, I've been tinkering with the AT100 this morning and I must admit to being very impressed. I can't get my head around folk dismissing the fatter tablets just because they're 'fat'. The simple fact is - it isn't fat. Neither is the Sony.

I've been testing the major functions, like browser, keyboard (typing this on it), cameras, SD, the screen is cool now auto-brightness is turned off and connecting to the TV via HDMI using the auto-scan TV setting was dreamy; pixel perfect.

The file manager app. is great.

£216, with a case, a one-off though. Although I very much expect we'll see more at this price point very soon.

Now to get the MyWater active background installed and working...
