
(Android 8.0 Oreo bug) XF9005 reboot automatically when turn on the TV in Oreo update


I updated my TV to Oreo, it's working fine except that after a long period of standing by, when I turn the TV on, it will show the Home Screen for 1 sec, then it reboots it self, it shows Sony logo then Android logo animation, it taks 1 min or so to boot.


If I hit power to go to standby and turn it back on again, or in a short amount of time, it won't reboot itself, I only notice this after a long period of time of stand by, e.g. turn on TV next day, it will go to this boot cycle.


My setup:

XF9005 on Oreo V6.5830 android, connect Sonos Beam with ARC, connected to internet by Wifi


Sony could you confirm if this is a known bug in the update?

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