Vaio FX705, XP just freezing


Vaio FX705, XP just freezing

Hello everyboy,

need urgently some help. Hope my english is good enough. After having installed xp home on my vaio it seems not to work properly as the system suddenly freezes regardless which program is running. So the only solution to make the system work again is to restart my vaio. Even the taskmanager doesn't react. I just can't understand what's the problem. My FX705 is 1,5 year old and I treated it really fine :slight_smile: Contacting sony support they answered I should update my drivers for the hardware. I followed their instructions but windows XP doesn't work properly. Can anybody help?? pls.

Greetings 3nity


Hihi Elaine.-)

I already got all the updates. While being online I started zone labs firewall and let my pc checked by norton online services. So we can be sure I don't have any viruses at all. But one thing I remarked is really special. Anytime I go online with the Internet Explorer from Microsoft XP freezes. Now I got time enough to download the Opera Browser. Now nothing is suspicious. Let me see how long the system stays clean and runs properly. I'll be happy if I.E. 6 was the only cause.
I'm sorry for being late with my previous answer. I had some bad virus and felt really bad.
One question left: did you hear anything bad about my pc type? Is it possible that some hardware on my board is not really good referring to sony fx-705??
Thank you very much, greetz 3nity ':smileytongue:'



Glad to hear you`ve fixed it. Thanks for telling us the solution.

This problem is often caused by out of date video drivers. Go to the web site for the manufacturer of your card, and look for an updated driver.



Hello Elaine,

Fodder, greetings.-))
Yesterday the same shi...again eventough I was offline just using acrobat reader. I have all the updates from the official sony driver's site. The only one I didn't make is the bios update as I heared some bad stories from people who wanted to update their bios.
Oh, I ran the mem test 1h, everything ok.
Can it be possible that my hdd is overwritten and overwritten again too much?? Would it be better to run fdisk and then clean everything out und then to reinstall xp again??
I still have my guarantee till Sept. 2004. Can i otherwise let my pc changed out??


The trouble with freezing is that it can be caused by so many,many things. In fact almost anything.
You have checked
I have read your posts again and noticed that you only have 256MB RAM. That is a bare minimum for XP. If you are running a few things at once it could cause freezing..No matter what this problem is, if you intnd to keep XP, I suggest you should make your RAM up to 512MB.
Did you look in Event Viewer as I suggested before
Look for RED errors. If you find any double click them and note down the error number and Source. Post them back. This might tell us something. If you find lots of the same error here, post back before doing any of the othr suggestions.

Spyware is another cause.
Download these free programs. When they are installed, before you run them, "Check for updates" on the first page you see. Download the Updates and then run the programs. Let them fix anything they find

Spybot Search & Destroy


It seems that some members have fixdedthis by Updating the Bios, but that can be dangerous. I don`t blame you for not wanting to do it.

Sorry this is taking so long, but it can take ages to find the cause of freezing. I don`t think the writing to the hard disk would cause it.



Hi Elaine.-))

I tried to reinstall xp but while xp was formatting my drives automatically my vaio was fed up and decided himself to shut down. I tried to start the pc with linux knoppix live cd. But it was not possible because there wasn't enough memory as linux told me. Then I put out my battery and started my vaio again in order to erase the rest of overwritten memory. Then I reinstalled xp. Then I could watch "They found Nemo" for 1h, nothing happened.-))) Now I'm online....everything ok. But as a precaution I will talk to my dealer and ask him for some new ram. By the way, hardware is up to date.

Greetz, 3nity.


Hi 3nity,
Please correct me if I am wrong, but i think you are telling me that you have managed to reinstall XP and that all is running well. Is that correct?
It is the best thing to do when it is so hard to find your problem. We could probably have fixed it eventually but it might have taken a while.
Make sure you have all the Updates, a Firewall and a good Antivirus.
You will notice better performance if you upgrade your RAM to at least 512MB and also less chance of freezing again.
When you get your extra RAM set the virtual memory to 1.5 times your RAM. Make both the min and max the same.

Hope all goes well for you now


Hi Elaine.-))

Yeah, you did understand me correctly. I've got one question left: can i cange ram on myself?? I'm afraid of loosing my guarantee if I'll do this.
Greetz and thaaaaaaaanks a lot!!!



Strange you should ask that. I don`t know myself and have just posted a question about it in the "Solutions Room" Forum here. The thread is called "Warranty Advice Please"
Go there and read all about it. Just posted yesterday, so it is near the top of the list. We will get good advice there.



Hihi Elaine.-))))

Now I'm just about to leave my home on the way to my dealer. He will help me to install my new ram (Kingston). I'm pretty happy now!!! I will report how it was like when someone wants to know.

So, cu later alligator.

greeeeeeeetz 3nity