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S1 & S2 Button -> Wireless Switch


S1 & S2 Button -> Wireless Switch


I'm got this wonderfull FE11-M. I'm able to run the Toshiba Bluetooth Software via "Anwendung starten" from one of the two "S1/S2" Buttons.

I'd like to start the wireless swither - the task is located in C:\Programme\Sony\Wireless Switch Setting Utility and is called switcher.exe. You can however load the application (via "Anwendung starten - dunno the english gui locale) but you cannot open the applications console/ gui with button S1 or S2.

Anyone any Idea to setup the switcher.exe console on S2 button?

Thank you


I completely agree with this guy. It would be nice to be able to switch bluetooth on/off with S1 or S2 button. Right now you have to take a lot of trouble 5 clicks to start 5 clicks to stop.....stupid of sony not to put a seperate switch for bluetooth very very stupid and annoying.

It would be very nice if I could enable and disable wireless and bluetoot with just pressing one button. Sony did not use their brains. For example if i want to use only Bluetooth i have to disable wireless and enable bluetooth. Otherwise I am wasting my battery. In that case I keep being busy enabling and disabling wireless bluetooth wich is an incredible waste of time.