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re format and D drive


re format and D drive

my step dad is having loads of problems with his laptop, he is one of these "see it in a magazine and install it" kind of users and basically now he has so many programs trying to do the same thing that some parts won't work at all and i thought the best thing would be to re format.

I haven't used D drive before so what i was wondering was, if i clicked start, explore then D drive, and then copied things like Outlook express, IEX favourites, documents etc, after the re format would i just be able to copy them back to C drive without any loss of emails, lists documents etc?? as i have only ever done re format and backed up to other media.

Also he has cable broadband by Blueyonder, but they didn't leave him an installation disc, would i be able to copy this info also to D drive or do i have to wait the 2 weeks they say it might take to send it out??

thanks for any help, think i will ban his computer books subscription as spend more time sorting hios own out than mine lol



Hi Karen

I know what you mean by fiddling step parents :laughing:

If you go to Start > Accessories > System Tools and use File and Settings Transfer, you can save emails, settings for all your applications (except WinZip and QuickTime apparently) and keep files you select.

Makes it easier to handle, and it can be saved on 😧 for ease


thanks for that, i am waiting for his disc to come from broadband company, then going to do the re format on tuesday, so fingers crossed when it is all nice and working nicely he leaves it more than a day, before he has to add that " must have program" :slight_smile:

Thanks Karen

Good luck with it Karen.

You know you could put Acronis Trueimage and make an image of the hard disk once it's to his liking, so if he plays around with it then you can just put it back on within 10mins