ADSL modem driving me up the wall


ADSL modem driving me up the wall

Hi can anyone help.

I have 2 PC's with my Zyxel USB modem with were both easy to install. I have just got this new Vaio and am having a problem. When I insall the driver I then have to reboot. When I do so it brings up a shortcut on the desk top so I can connect. The short cut is one of those "unassociated programs" icons and when I double click it it goes nowhere. Ive tried making a manual connection throught the internet wizard but that deosnt work either. To get on this site Ive had to use the 56k dial up- uh!

Any help would be appreciated.



Is the modem showing in Device Manager and does Device manager say that the device is working properly?

Also - did you install the drivers before you plugged the modem into the USB port?

Also - have a look at the ZyXEL support site at

:smileyconfused:: If it is working on the other PC's why not share the connection?


I am confused as to how you are using one USB modem for 2 PCs.
Anyway, when you right click on the shortcut, what type of file does it say it is?

I am confused as to how you are using one USB modem for 2 PCs.

USB Modem in PC1 connected to the internet.
Network cable in PC1 connected to a hub or similar
Network cable in PC2 connected to the same hub
Network cable in Laptop connected to the same hub

Internet Connection Sharing turned on all machines. PC1 is the default gateway machine. Win XP Networking Wizard makes this sort of setup a breeze to implement.

A little crude but it should work (I certainly did before I put in a more permanent setup).

Hope that helps.

You guys have got all complicated - I just assumed that it was plugged into one computer then unplugged and plugged into the other :wink:
Looks like we'll have to wait & see when the original poster returns.

Rob, I think you are right... but just seems a long way round with less functionality

Yes - I've had some nightmare internet sharing solutions myself.

I've never looked back since ADSL became available in my area and I went wireless.

We've only recently got a second horse for the stagecoach round here :laughing:


Going wireless has been a godsend as I have been able to rip cables out from all over the house from my wired network! Couldn't see the skirting in some places due to the amount of cables pinned to it! Just got to list the cables & hub on Ebay next & hopefully say goodbye to it .. .... with the rest of my redundant gear & games!

Yeah Tom, wireless has stopped people being tangled up and falling over....