Playing Video files from a Network Disc


Playing Video files from a Network Disc

Hi. I cant get my head around this and thought someone may be able to explain or help me with this issue.

I have three Sony Bravia TV's. 46W905A; 24W605A; 32HX753.   All TV's work fine streeming from the internet Netflix, Amazon prime etc. I also have a seagate Central network disc connected to my router. All the TV's can see the disc and can play movies from this disc. However and this is the issue: The "W" tv's can play numerious video formats including MP4 and MKV. and when they play these videos they have full control with pause, fast forward/rewind etc. BUT the HX can only play MP4 video format and cannot pause forward or rewind. When I try and play an MKV file it looks to start but the screen is blank. However... and this is the strange thing... if I copy my video file to a memory stick and insert, MP4 and MKV will play and pause forward and rewind. All TV's software is up to date.

I dont have a problem just having MP4 video files but why does the pause forward rewind not work?

I understand it's to do with the codec processor on the HX but how/why does a memory stick work. Any advice would be most welcome.

Kind regards



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Correct.  The HX TV supports less codecs than the other 2.  Your 2 W series TVs are 2013 models, the HX is a 2012 model.  

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Hi there


Sony differentiate which codecs are supported by different input sources (USB/DLNA)


For your HX TV, the following file formats :


In regards to the HX TV not having pause/rewind abilities pkaying via DLNA - I dont really know why this is the case.  Im going to assume a network or TV buffering issue (lack of memory?)



Hi Thanks for the reply and info. So from what you are saying the HX doesn't have the same Codecs as my other TV's i.e. the "W" models as they play the videos with zero issues. I can see why you think the fast forward pause etc may be caused by buffering if the memory stick works as opposed to network but the other TV's work and I have the HX Tv's connected via power line with again no problem with Netflix etc. May be its time to think of a new Andriod TV for my 'Mansnug' to give me extra gizmos to play with. Thanks again for the reply. Regards

Not applicable

Correct.  The HX TV supports less codecs than the other 2.  Your 2 W series TVs are 2013 models, the HX is a 2012 model.