Stuck on logo screen


Stuck on logo screen

Last saturday, the phone was at 5% battery. I put it to charge (wall charger, fyi), and it rebooted, and it got stuck on SONY logo screen. The screen turns off, then the logo comes again, and so on, ad infinitum

I tried to repair with the newest Xperia Companion. No luck, I'm still stuck to the logo screen. Btw it's different, now: I had the logo with black background, now the logo has a WHITE background. I guess the recovery tried to update it to Android 6 MM.

freaking phone, worst thing ever. I had the rebooting problem but I got used to it, then now. I'm done with you, Sony. You were good once. 


Mine started two weeks ago, clearly a common problem which I suspect Sony know about???


Hi guys,

I just have the same situation and the screen is white and stuck with sony logo.what I did is that hold the power button and volume up button until it vibrates 3 times and turned off.I have waited 5 seconds and then press volume down key while connecting the usb to mya laptop and then started the Sotware repair and i unpress the volume key button while the software started to detect my phone and clicked next. Then waited for the software repair to finish and now I can use my phone.I hope this helps


Después de 24 horas con la incertidumbre de haber perdido la información que tenía en el teléfono, seguía con la pantalla en negro, pero en la parte trasera a la altura del símbolo del NFC seguía caliente, ya había buscado sucesor más moderno con unas características parecidas en cuanto octacore y con S.O. android 9, me faltaba el paso de dejar cargando el teléfono 4 horas, seguía caliente en la parte trasera, pulse el botón de inicio, parpadeo el led de carga en rojo y notificaciones, apareció el logo de Sony y se reinició un par de veces, aproveche para introducir las tarjetas SIM y SD, presione botón de arranque y por fin llegue a la pantalla inicio del teléfono. Como no sé si volverá a repetirse procuraré hacer copias de seguridad de todos los archivos para tenerlos a salvo. Y luego tratare de actualizar el software por si hay algo que reparar.

After 24 hours with the uncertainty of having lost the information I had on the phone, I continued with the black screen, but in the back at the height of the NFC symbol it was still hot, I had already looked for a more modern successor with similar characteristics as octacore and with SO Android 9, I was missing the step of charging the phone for 4 hours, it was still hot in the back, press the start button, the charging LED flashed in red and notifications, the Sony logo appeared and restarted a couple of times , take the opportunity to insert the SIM and SD cards, press the start button and finally reach the home screen of the phone. As I do not know if it will be repeated, I will try to make backup copies of all the files to keep them safe. And then I will try to update the software in case there is something to repair.
