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HT-XT3 soundbase auto on - how?

HT-XT3 soundbase auto on - how?

I am having to manually turn on the soundbase (and the TV and a SKY box). I desperately want to make the soundbase at least turn itself on when the sky box is brought out of standby. Tried for ages messing with all the settings but can't get it to work.


I have a sky box connected to the XT3 via HDMI1 and then onward to a Panasonic TV via the HDMI out. The tv is old and doesn't support the latest HDMI standards - it does have Vierra link which although proprietary to Panasonic does allow the tv (and sky) remotes to control the volume once the soundbase comes out of standby.


Surely it should be capable of working out when the Sky box comes out of standby via some signal over the HDMI cable?


Any help greatly appreciated.

Not applicable

Hi there


It is the TV that controls the HDMI-CEC functions, therefore you need to check the TV settings, the VieraLink settings in particular - Auto Devices On??  Ensure ARC is enabled (if your tv has this) and ensure you have a HDMI 1.4 cable - some early cables are not wired for HDMI-CEC or ARC functions



New but related problem....


Thanks for this. Yes it had confused me that there are settings on all 3 devices (TV, soundbase and Sky box). Messing with the vierra link settings has helped. The TV does not have ARC. So the story has moved on.


I did get it so that turning on the sky box brought all 3 devices on - great you might think except that I have AV sender/recievers and magic eye to send the sky Tv upstairs. Turned on the sky from upstairs and of course on comes the TV and sound base downstairs. A refinement of the requirement was necessary.


So, I turned off the setting on Sky and now have it sort of working by turning on the TV (on comes the soundbar) and I turn on Sky independently. Can do both these from Sky remote.


However, when the TV and Sky both come out of standby, the soundbase flicks between TV and HDMI1 many times over maybe 30 seconds. Many times it settles on TV rather than HDMI1 and I have to use the soundbar remote to fix it.


Does anybody have any idea why it flicks between the two inputs in this way and how I can fix it?



