
Sony Cashback Help

So I recently purchased a Sony A7ii with the Kit Lens (ILCE-7M2K) from and applied for Cashback which I believe is around £200 for that model. 


I filled out the Cashback form correctly and attached the serial number from the actual camera as an Image and the Advice Note (Invoice) which was in my parcel. The Advice Note contains the item ordered, value, my details and the date of order. 


Sony then emailed me back saying that I had sent them an online confirmation rather than the Invoice and that now I am no longer valid for the Cashback scheme.


Does anyone know what I am to do in this situation when I have sent them what they wanted and they say it's incorrect? 


I'm sorry but your system just doesn't work. Firstly actually getting on your system took forever as the website seemed to be down. Then I filled in details on the cashback but only had a VAT receipt so then tried to attach the proper invoice to a reply to the email that said I had registered for the cashback (the one that says what your reference number is and says to attach any documents to a reply to the email) - only for the reply to email address to be invalid - errr sorry you can't even get your own email addresses correct? Then I get an email saying that "

Based on this information your participation is unfortunately no longer valid, 

please reply with the VAT invoice within the next 10 days in order to process your claim." which I did and have heard NOTHING! Sorry but that is NOT good enough - you are a big company for goodness sake not some two-bit operation out of someones bedroom and you can't get your own systems / processes working?

Hi @indaba1960 and welcome to the Community :slight_smile:


Sony don't respond on these forums.

Please take the advice I have given elsewhere in this thread 

to PHONE Sony support on +44 (0) 2073652810.

They can help.


Any further problems then let us know in this thread.



Hi Nic,


I am also having the same issue with my cashback claim -  are you able to kindly escalate for me? I have provided all the details as per the OP but it has been rejected due to "you have sent us the online order confirmation instead of the invoice"



Hello @maniac886,


I escalated your issue and will get back to you as soon as I receive a reply.


- Nic

Hello @maniac886,


I got the following response from support:



The document you sent isn't valid for cashback, and it's recommended to get back to the point of sale to send you another receipt that contains the following details:
- Retailer name.
- Date of purchase.
- Your details.
- Product details.
- Amount paid ( including VAT ).
- VAT number/ Invoice number.


- Nic

Not a con ??

You are kidding of course, Sony had me on the end of a hook with confirmation of claim number , then info incomplete, then link supplied by Sony didn’t work. I have given up on Sony and will now approach Wex who advertised the cashback and with who my contract of purchase is with.

As for Sony that’s the last of their products I will buy.

Hi Nic,


I have just obtained this documentation from the retailer. Are you able to let the team know the document should now be with them?






I'm having this same problem. Bought a a6000 at the end of last year, sent FOUR different proofs of purchase, but keep getting the same generic copied-and-pasted response - "Thank you for sending us documents with regards to your purchase.  After validation we have noticed that you have sent us the online order confirmation instead of the invoice."


The evidence I attached each time is literally an invoice from the reatiler! I have a feeling they're just stringing me along until I lose patience and give up. But that's not going to happen. This is disgraceful customer service, finding excuses to con a customer out of money they are legally entitled to. As a life-long fan of Sony products I'm disgusted, and wouldn't expect such behavior from a company of this size.

Hi @veet23  and welcome to the Community :slight_smile:


Sony need a VAT invoice with all the relevant details.

Do you have one? Can you get one from the retailer?




Because of the intransigence of Sony re my claim I went to the retailer Wex as that is who my contract is with as your contract is with the retailer you purchased from, and they took up my case and obtained the cash back for me.
Good luck.

Sent from my iPad